Download XML Files from SEC EDGAR Using Python
Welcome to this tutorial on downloading XML files from the SEC EDGAR database using Python. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of using the Query API to find and extract all XML file URLs from ABS-EE filings for the year 2022, and then using the Render API to download all the corresponding XML files. The accompanying source code can easily be adjusted to find and download any XML file of SEC EDGAR filings and is not limited to ABS-EE filings.
To find and extract the URLs of the XML files, we will be using the QueryApi
of the sec-api
Python package. We will then save the list of URLs to a file on our local disk. Finally, we will use the RenderApi
to download all the XML files with up to 10 downloads running in parallel.
Whether you're a data analyst, a financial researcher, or just curious about the financial filings of public companies, this tutorial will provide you with the tools you need to download and analyze SEC EDGAR XML files using Python. So, let's get started!
!pip install -q sec-api
Locate URLs of All XML Files
In the first step we will show you how to find all URLs of XML files of Form ABS-EE filings filed between January 1st, 2022, to December 31st, 2022. We can filter and find all metadata of EDGAR filings that meet our search criteria with the help of the Query API.
Our search query is written in Lucene and looks like this:
formType:"ABS-EE" AND filedAt:[2022-01-01 TO 2022-12-31]
If you want to narrow down your search results even further by looking for filings filed by specific CIKs, we can use the following search expression:
formType:"ABS-EE" AND filedAt:[2022-01-01 TO 2022-12-31] AND cik:(1774379, 1835747, 1774801)
Keep in mind that ABS-EE XML files include assets of different types and filtering by asset type with the Query API is not supported. However, filtering by asset type on the client-side, with your application, is very simple.
ABS filings include 5 asset types as shown in the table below.
Asset Data File Type | Description |
ABS-AUTOLOAN | Asset pool comprising auto loans. |
ABS-AUTOLEASE | Asset pool comprising auto leases. |
ABS-DS | Asset pool comprising debt securities. |
ABS-RMBS | Asset pool comprising residential mortgages. |
ABS-CMBS | Asset pool comprising commercial mortgages. |
Every XML file references the data schema file for a corresponding asset type. For example, if we want to save only XML files that include auto loan assets, we simply check for the existance of the absee/autoloan/assetdata
XML namespace.
from sec_api import QueryApi
queryApi = QueryApi(api_key=API_KEY)
def flatten_lists(lists):
return [element for sublist in lists for element in sublist]
# extract .xml files living in documentFormatFiles list
def extract_xml_urls(filing):
if "documentFormatFiles" in filing and len(filing["documentFormatFiles"]):
urls = list(map(lambda file: file["documentUrl"], filing["documentFormatFiles"]))
xml_urls = list(filter(lambda url: url.endswith(".xml") or url.endswith(".XML"), urls))
return xml_urls
return []
def get_all_xml_urls(year = 2022):
form_type = "ABS-EE"
lucene_query = "formType:"{form_type}" AND filedAt:[{year}-01-01 TO {year}-12-31]".format(form_type=form_type, year=year)
xml_urls = []
query_from = 0
while query_from < 10000:
query = {
"query": lucene_query,
"from": query_from,
"size": "50",
"sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
response = queryApi.get_filings(query)
if len(response["filings"]) == 0:
new_xml_urls = list(map(extract_xml_urls, response["filings"]))
xml_urls = xml_urls + flatten_lists(new_xml_urls)
query_from += 50
# break
return xml_urls
The next line starts the downloading process of all filing metadata and the extraction of XML URLs for the year 2022. This should take around 1-2 minutes.
xml_urls = get_all_xml_urls(year=2022)
print("{} XML URLs extracted".format(len(xml_urls)))
14131 XML URLs extracted
# write list of URLs to xml_urls.txt file on local disk
with open(r'xml_urls.txt', "w") as f:
Download All XML Files from EDGAR
In the final step, we will download all 14,131 XML files using the Render API's get_filing(url)
function, which allows us to download any EDGAR filing and exhibit by its URL. To speed up the download process, we will use pandarallel
to parallelize the downloads.
The files will be saved into a simple directory structure in xml-files
. A new folder is created for each EDGAR filer using the CIK in the file URL as folder name. The file name of the downloaded XML file is composed of the unique accession number of the filing and the original file name on EDGAR.
^-CIK-^ ^--accession no--^
An example of a directory structure is shown below.
from sec_api import RenderApi
renderApi = RenderApi(api_key=API_KEY)
url = xml_urls[0]
content = renderApi.get_filing(url)
print("Content snippet of an XML file")
Content snippet of an XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<assetData xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<assetTypeNumber>Prospectus Loan ID</assetTypeNumber>
<originatorName>Wells Fargo Bank, National Association</originatorName>
<propertyName>TWELVE OAKS MALL</propertyName>
<propertyAddress>27500 NOVI ROAD</propertyAddress>
<secondLargestTenant>Crate & Barrel</secondLargestTenant>
<thirdLargestTenant>Hollister Clothing Stores</thirdLargestTenant>
<primaryServicerName>Wells Fargo Bank, NA</primaryServicerName>
<assetTypeNumber>Prospectus Loan ID</
import pandas as pd
import os
def download_file(url):
if "url" in url:
url = url["url"]
content = renderApi.get_filing(url)
url_parts = url.split("/")
url_numeric_parts = list(filter(lambda part: part.isnumeric(), url_parts))
# URL:
# CIK: 1731627
# accession no: 000188852422016521
# original file name: exh_102.xml
cik = url_numeric_parts[0]
accession_no = url_numeric_parts[1]
original_file_name = url_parts[-1]
download_dir = "xml-files/" + cik
file_name = accession_no + "-" + original_file_name
download_path = download_dir + "/" + file_name
# create dir if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(download_dir):
with open(download_path, "w") as f:
except Exception as e:
print("❌ download failed: {url}".format(url=url))
xml_urls_df = pd.DataFrame(xml_urls, columns=["url"])
url | |
0 | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
!pip install -q pandarallel
from pandarallel import pandarallel
number_of_workers = 4
pandarallel.initialize(progress_bar=True, nb_workers=number_of_workers, verbose=0)
# run a quick test and download 40 XML files
sample = xml_urls_df.head(40)
sample.parallel_apply(download_file, axis=1)
# uncomment to download all XML files
# xml_urls_df.parallel_apply(download_file, axis=1)
print("✅ Download completed")
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(IntProgress(value=0, description='0.00%', max=10), Label(value='0 / 10'))), HBox…
✅ Download completed