Filing Query API

SEC EDGAR filing index page converted to JSON
SEC EDGAR filing index page converted to JSON and
searchable with the Query API

The Query API allows searching and filtering all 18+ million filings and exhibits published on the SEC EDGAR database since 1993 to present, with new filings being added in 300 milliseconds after their publication on EDGAR. The API accepts simple and complex search expressions and returns the metadata of matching EDGAR filings in JSON format including form type, accession numbers, filing date and times, filer information such as CIK, ticker and entity name, exhibits and attachements, URLs to the original SEC sources, and many more.

EDGAR filings are searchable by numerous parameters, such as: CIK (Central Index Key), ticker symbol or name of the filer, form type, filing date, accession number, item IDs in case of Form 8-K or Form 1-U filings, exhibit types, series and class contract IDs, and more. Refer to the list of searchable parameters to see all available search options.

The filing search capabilities of the Query API can be tested free of charge in our sandbox available here. The sanbdox showcases a variety of filing search examples and allows testing the API with own queries in a simple no-code environment.

Filing Example Response in JSON Format
1 {
2 // Microsoft's 10-Q filing for Q1 2024
3 accessionNo: "0000950170-24-048288",
4 formType: "10-Q",
5 periodOfReport: "2024-03-31",
6 filedAt: "2024-04-25T16:06:24-04:00",
7 ticker: "MSFT",
8 cik: "789019",
9 companyName: "MICROSOFT CORP (Filer)",
10 linkToFilingDetails: " ... 4048288/msft-20240331.htm",
11 entities: [ ... ], // entities associated with filing: CIK, EIN, state of incorp., fiscal year, and more
12 documentFormatFiles: [ ... ], // files and exhibits attached to filing: URL, type, size
13 dataFiles: [ ... ], // XBRL data files
14 // ... more fields
15 }

The filings database inlcudes all EDGAR form types without exception, from annual and quarterly reports (Form 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F, 40-F), event-driven filings such as Form 8-K and 6-K, insider trading activities (Form 3, 4, 5), over registration statements (Form S-1, S-3, S-8) and prospectuses (Form 424B2, 424B3, 424B4), to institutional investment manager and company filings (Form 13F, N-PORT) and more than 150 other types ever published. The database includes all filings ever published by any of the 800,000 EDGAR filer entities. A full list of all EDGAR form types is available on the form types page.

Dataset size:
All EDGAR filings and exhibits published since 1993 to present, including all form types and all filers.
Data update frequency:
New filings are indexed and searchable in less than 300 milliseconds after they are published on EDGAR.
Survivorship bias free:
Yes. The Query API and filings database include all EDGAR filings and exhibits filed since 1993 to present, from filer entities that are still active and those that are no longer active.

Common Use Cases

The EDGAR filing search capability of the Query API is often used as a first step in a multi-process filing ingestion pipeline. For example, the Query API is often used to find the most recently disclosed filings of a specific form type, such as 10-Qs or 8-Ks, to obtain the URLs of those filings, and then download the full text of the filings using the Filing Download API or to convert the filings to PDFs using the PDF Generator API.

Common use cases for the Query API include:

  • Submitting recently filed filing exhibits to regulatory authorities
  • Monitoring filer compliance with exchange rules
  • Powering internal insight analytics platforms
  • Backtesting quantitative investment strategies
  • Showing EDGAR filings on investor relationships websites

API Endpoint

In order to search and retrieve metadata of EDGAR filings, HTTP POST requests with the search expression as payload are sent to the following API endpoint:

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Request and response content type: JSON


To authenticate your API requests, use the API key shown in your user profile. You can utilize your API key in one of two ways. Choose the method that best fits your implementation:

  • Authorization Header: Include your API key as an Authorization header in your POST requests. For instance, before sending a POST request to, ensure the header is set as follows: Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY
  • Query Parameter: Alternatively, append your API key directly to the URL as a query parameter. For example, when making POST requests, use the URL instead of the base API endpoint.

Request Parameters

To search, filter and retrieve metadata of EDGAR filings, send a HTTP POST request with a JSON-formatted payload to the API endpoint The payload includes the search criteria, pagination and optional response sorting parameters, for example:

Example of JSON Request Payload to Find the 50 Most Recent 10-Q Filings
1 {
2 "query": "formType:\"10-Q\"",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "50",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

The API request payload includes the following fields, with the query field being required and the others optional:

  • query (string): Specifies the search criteria written in the Lucene syntax following the field:value format to search filings that include value in the specified field. For example, formType:"10-K" to find Form 10-K filings or ticker:AAPL to locate filings published by Apple. The query string allows searching the filings database by any available field in the response object as described in the Response Format section below. For example, filing lookups can be performed by the filer's CIK, series, class or contract IDs, date ranges across filing publication times and periods of reports, event item codes in Form 8-Ks or 1-Us, exhibit types, and more. Multiple search criteria can be combined using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT). For example, formType:"10-K" AND ticker:AAPL to find Form 10-K filings published by Apple. The maximum length of the query string cannot exceed 3500 characters. Examples of various filing search expressions are available in the Query String Examples section below and in the sandbox. A complete guide on how to use the Lucene syntax is available here.
  • from (string, optional) - Use the from property to specify the starting position of your search results, facilitating pagination. For instance, set from to 50 to skip the first 50 filings. The default is 0, and the maximum allowed value is 10,000, which is also the cap for the maximum number of filings returned per query string. To retrieve all filings in your search universe, increment from by the value of the size parameter (e.g., 50) until no more filings are returned or the 10,000 filing limit is reached. For example, use 0, 50, 100, and so on. If your query locates more than 10,000 filings, consider narrowing your search by refining your filter criteria, for example, using a date range filter to iterate over months or years. One such approach would be to search for filings with a filedAt date range filter, e.g. filedAt:[2021-01-01 TO 2021-01-31] (all filings from January 2021), then paginate through the results by incrementing from, and once completed, repeat the process for the next month, and so on.
  • size (string, optional) - Determines the number of filings returned per request. For instance, set size to 10 to retrieve 10 filings per request. The default value is 50, and the maximum allowed value is 50, which is the cap for the maximum number of filings returned per request.
  • sort (array, optional) - An array of objects that specify how the returned filings are sorted. The default sorting order is descending by filedAt datetime field, most recent filing first. The sorting order can be changed to ascending by setting order to asc. The default sorting order can be overridden by specifying a different sorting field. For example, to sort filings by periodOfReport in ascending order, set sort to [{ "periodOfReport": { "order": "asc" } }].
    Default: [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]

Query String Examples

The following list demonstrates different query examples that can be used to search EDGAR filings by various criteria.

Search EDGAR filings by filer entity properties
Search by CIK of filer
Search by multiple CIKs
cik:(123, 456, 789)
Search by ticker
Search by tickers
Search by filer entity name
companyName:"Nissan Auto Receivables" AND companyName:Trust
Search by filer entity SIC
Search by filer entity state
Search by filer entity IRS number
Search by file number
Search EDGAR filings by filing properties
Search by form type
Multiple form types
formType:"10-K" OR formType:"10-Q"
Excluding form types from search
formType:"10-K" AND NOT formType:"10-K/A"
Search by accession number of filing
Date range without time
filedAt:[2022-01-01 TO 2022-12-31]
Date range with time
filedAt:[2021-09-15T14:00:00 TO 2021-09-15T19:00:00]
Event item ID in Form 8-Ks
items:"2.02" AND formType:"8-K"
Multiple item IDs in Form 8-Ks
items:("2.02", "5.02") AND formType:"8-K"
By series ID
By class/contract ID
seriesAndClassesContractsInformation. classesContracts.classContract:C000120702
By ticker of class/contract
By class/contract ID and form type
formType:"NPORT-P" AND seriesAndClassesContractsInformation. classesContracts.classContract:C000120702
By exhibit type
documentFormatFiles.type:*21* AND formType:"10-K"
By registration form of EFFECT types
formType:EFFECT AND registrationForm:"S-3"
Other examples
Match all filings
Find 10-Ks of companies by ticker
formType:"10-K" AND ticker:(AAPL, MSFT, NVDA, TSLA)
Find 10-Ks with images
formType:"10-K" AND documentFormatFiles.type:GRAPHIC

Good to Know

  • Search by CIK: cik:CIK_OF_INTEREST or cik:(CIK_1, CIK_2, ...) to find filings disclosed by a specific filer using its CIK, or filings from by multiple filers using their respective CIKs. When searching filings by the CIK of the filer, remove leading zeros from the CIK. For example, transform 0000320193 to 320193. An example CIK search can be performed in the sandbox here.
  • Search by ticker: ticker:TICKER_OF_INTEREST or ticker:(TICKER_A, TICKER_B, ...) to retrieve filings by one or more ticker symbols of the filing companies. Ticker symbols in the filing search are case-insensitive, meaning that ticker:AAPL and ticker:aapl will return the same results. When performing historical filing searches going back far in time, it is recommended to use a filer's CIK instead of the ticker symbol. This approach accounts for entities that underwent ticker changes or entities that have multiple security classes listed on exchanges trading under different tickers, such as Alphabet's Class A (ticker: GOOGL) and Class C (ticker: GOOG) shares. The Mapping API can be used to resolve and map ticker symbols to CIKs, and vice versa. An example ticker search can be performed in the sandbox here.
  • Search by company name: companyName:"NAME OF COMPANY" to perform a search by the company name. Enclose the company name in double quotes (e.g., companyName:"My Trust A") to treat the company name as a single search term. This is useful when searching for company names that include whitespaces or special characters like "-", "." and "&". If the company name is a single word, the double quotes are optional. If the company name includes whitespaces and double quotes are omitted, each word is treated as a separate search term combined with an implicit OR operator. For example, companyName:My Trust A is equivalent to companyName:My OR *:Trust OR *:A, which searches for filings with the words "My" in the companyName field, or "Trust" in any field, or "A" in any field.
  • Search by EDGAR form type: formType:"FORM TYPE OF INTEREST" or formType:("FORM TYPE A", "FORM TYPE B", ...) to search for filings by one or multiple EDGAR form types. Ensure to enclose form types in double quotes (e.g., formType:"10-K"). The Query API provides access to the entire EDGAR filings corpus, allowing searches across all form types without exception. A complete list of form types can be found here. An example form type search can be performed in the sandbox.
  • Search across dates: filedAt:[START_DATE TO END_DATE] to search for filings filed within a specific date and time range. Use square brackets [ ] to include the start and end dates in the search. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS for specific times. The time component is optional. For example, filedAt:[2021-01-01 TO 2021-12-31] captures all filings from midnight January 1, 2021 to midnight December 31, inclusive. An example with a time component is filedAt:[2021-01-06T14:00:00 TO 2021-01-06T15:00:00], which returns all filings disclosed on January 6, 2021 between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM (Eastern Time), inclusive. The filedAt value in a filing metadata object is reported in Eastern Time in reference to the timezone of the EDGAR system. For example 2021-01-12T16:00:54-05:00 is 4:00:54 PM Eastern Time on January 12, 2021. When performing date-time queries, there is no need to include the timezone offset ("-05:00" or "-04:00"). The API automatically converts all times to Eastern Time. An example of a date-time query is available in the sandbox here.
  • Nested Field Search: documentFormatFiles.type:"EX-21" AND formType:"10-K" - Use nested field search and combine conditions to filter filings where a specific document type is included in a particular form. For example, this query finds 10-K filings that include Exhibit 21 ("EX-21"). Nested fields can be found in documentFormatFiles, dataFiles, entities, holdings, and seriesAndClassesContractsInformation. Examples of nested field searches are available in our sandbox here (10-K with Exhibit 21), here (10-K with XBRL data) and here (class contract ID).

Request Examples

The following examples demonstrate a range of Query API requests. These queries are designed to help you retrieve specific EDGAR filings based on criteria such as form types, tickers of the filing companies, date ranges, and exhibit types. More examples can be found in the sandbox.

Find the most recent 10-Q filings

Return the 50 most recently filed 10-Q filings, sorted by their publication time filedAt, starting with the newest filings.

1 {
2 "query": "formType:\"10-Q\"",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "50",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

Pagination: Retrieve more than 10,000 filings

The from parameter is used to paginate through API results and is capped at 10,000. For instance, if a search query like formType:"8-K" AND ticker:AAPL matches 700 filings, but only 50 filings can be returned per API request, the from parameter can be incremented to retrieve all 700 filings. To retrieve all 700 filings:

  • Set "from": "0" for the first 50 filings.
  • Set "from": "50" for the next 50, and so on, incrementing by 50 for each subsequent request until no more filings are returned.
JSON payload example for pagination
1 {
2 "query": "formType:\"8-K\" AND ticker:AAPL",
3 "from": "0", // increase by 50 for pagination, e.g. 0, 50, 100, ...
4 "size": "50",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

If the total number of filings exceeds 10,000, the from parameter alone will not be sufficient to retrieve all results. For example, a search for all Form 8-K filings between 2010 and 2020 might return 700,000 filings, but paginating only retrieves the first 10,000.

To fetch the entire set of filings, the query should be broken down into multiple queries, each with a different date range filter. For example, start by searching for all 8-Ks between January 1st and 31st, 2010, and then paginate through the results:

JSON payload example for pagination using date ranges
1 {
2 // adjust the year and month once all filings have been retrieved with pagination
3 // for example: filedAt:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-01-31], filedAt:[2010-02-01 TO 2010-02-31], ...
4 "query": "formType:\"8-K\" AND filedAt:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-01-31]",
5 "from": "0", // increase by 50 for pagination, e.g. 0, 50, 100, ...
6 "size": "50",
7 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
8 }

Once all filings for January 2010 have been retrieved, the date range can be adjusted to February 2010, March 2010, and so on. The process can then continue month by month, year over year, with pagination applied to each date range, until all relevant filings have been retrieved.

Searching across publication times

Return all S-1 filings published in 2021. The set of all results can be paginated by incrementing the from parameter.

1 {
2 "query": "formType:\"S-1\" AND filedAt:[2021-01-01 TO 2021-12-31]",
3 "from": "0", // increase by 50 for pagination, e.g. 0, 50, 100, ...
4 "size": "50",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

Find Apple's most recent 10-K filings

Return Apple's 10 most recently filed 10-K filings, sorted by filedAt, start with the newest.

1 {
2 "query": "ticker:AAPL AND formType:\"10-K\"",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "10",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

Find Form 10-K filings with Exhibit 21

Return the 10 most recently filed 10-Ks that have exhibit 21, sorted by filedAt, start with the newest.

1 {
2 "query": "formType:\"10-K\" AND documentFormatFiles.type:\"EX-21\"",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "10",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

Form 8-K with Item 2.02 - Results of Operations and Financial Condition

Return the 10 most recently filed Form 8-K filings for material events that include Item 2.02 (Results of Operations and Financial Condition).

1 {
2 "query": "formType:\"8-K\" AND items:\"2.02\"",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "10",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" }}]
6 }

Response Format

The Query API returns the metadata of filings matching the provided search expression in JSON format. The response object includes two main fields:

  • total (object) - An object with two fields, value and relation. value represents the total number of filings matching the query. A value of 10,000 and relation of "gte" (= greater than or equal), indicates that more than 10,000 filings match the search criteria. The filing count (value) is capped at 10,000 per search query. If a search query identifies more than 10,000 filings, the value will be set to 10,000, and does not reflect the exact number of matching filings. Typically, the number of matching filings is greater than the number of filings that can be returned in a single API response. In such cases, the from parameter can be incremented on subsequent API calls to paginate through the results. For example, to retrieve all filings matching the query, increment from by the value of the size parameter (e.g., 50) until no more filings are returned or the 10,000 filing limit is reached.
  • filings (array of objects) - A list of maximum 50 filings matching the provided search criteria. All fields of an object in the filings array are searchable. Filing format:
    • id (string) - System-internal unique ID of the filing object. A filing might reference multiple entities, for example, in case of Form 4 filings which reference at least one reporting person and one issuer company. In such cases, multiple filing objects are created, each with a unique ID, but all with the same accessionNo.
    • accessionNo (string) - Accession number of filing, e.g. 0000028917-20-000033.
    • formType (string) - EDGAR filing form type, e.g 10-K or 10-K/A. All 150+ form types including SEC correspondences are covered. A complete list of all form types is available here.
    • filedAt (string) - Represents the Accepted attribute of a filing in ISO 8601 format, and shows the date and time the filing was accepted by the EDGAR system. A filing also contains a Filing Date attribute that only shows the date. The Accepted and Filing Date attribute do not have to represent the the same date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS TZ, e.g. 2019-12-06T14:41:26-05:00. The timezone is always in Eastern Time (ET) and the time is in 24-hour format. During daylight savings time (summer), the timezone offset is -04:00, and during standard time (winter), the offset is -05:00.
    • cik (string) - CIK of the filing issuer with leading 0 removed, e.g. 28917.
    • ticker (string) - Ticker symbol of the filing company, e.g. AMOT. A ticker is not available when non-publicly traded companies report filings, for example, in case of mutual funds or asset-backed securities.
    • companyName (string) - Name of primary filing company or person, e.g. Allied Motion Technologies Inc.
    • companyNameLong (string) - Long version of company name including the filer type (Issuer, Filer, Reporting), e.g. ALLIED MOTION TECHNOLOGIES INC (0000046129) (Issuer)
    • description (string) - Description of the form, e.g. Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities. Includes the item numbers reported in 8-K, 8-K/A, D, D/A, ABS-15G, ABS-15G/A, 1-U and 1-U/A filings, e.g. Form 8-K - Current report - Item 1.03 Item 3.03 Item 5.02 Item 9.01".
    • linkToFilingDetails (string) - URL of the actual filing content on Use this link in combination with our Filing Download API to download the filing content.
    • linkToTxt (string) - URL of the plain text .TXT version of the filing. The content of this file includes the entire filing and its exhibits and can exceed several 100MB in size.
    • linkToHtml (string) - URL of the index page (also known as filing detail page) of the filing, e.g. "".
    • periodOfReport (string, if reported) - Period of report in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2021-06-08. The periodOfReport has different meanings depending on the form type. For example, in Form 10-K filings, it represents the fiscal year end date. In Form 4 filings, it represents the transaction date, and in Form 13F filings, it represents the quarter end date.
    • effectivenessDate (string, if reported) - Effectiveness date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2021-06-08. The effectivenessDate is only reported on certain form types, such as EFFECT, 18-K, TA-1, and more.
    • registrationForm (string, if reported) - Registration form type as reported on EFFECT forms, e.g. S-1.
    • referenceAccessionNo (string, if reported) - Reference accession number as reported on EFFECT forms, e.g. 0001213900-22-001446.
    • items (array of strings, if reported) - Items represents an array of item strings as reported on form 8-K, 8-K/A, D, D/A, ABS-15G, ABS-15G/A, 1-U, 1-U/A. For example: ["Item 3.02: Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities", "Item 9.01: Financial Statements and Exhibits"]
    • groupMembers (array, if reported) - Group members represents an array of member strings as reported on SC 13G, SC 13G/A, SC 13D, SC 13D/A filings, e.g. [ "c N. LITOWITZMAGNETAR CAPITAL PARTNERS LPSUPERNOVA MANAGEMENT LLC" ]
    • entities (array) - A list of all entities referred to in the filing. The first item in the array always represents the filing issuer. Each array element is an object with the following keys:
      • companyName (string) - Company name of the entity, e.g. DILLARD'S, INC. (Issuer)
      • cik (string) - CIK of the entity. Leading 0 are not removed here, e.g. 0000028917
      • irsNo (string, optional) - IRS number of the entity, e.g. 710388071
      • stateOfIncorporation (string, optional) - State of incorporation of entity, e.g. AR
      • fiscalYearEnd (string, optional) - Fiscal year end of the entity, e.g. 0201
      • sic (string, optional) - SIC of the entity, e.g. 5311 Retail-Department Stores
      • type (string, optional) - Type of the filing being filed. Same as formType, e.g. 4
      • act (string, optional) - The SEC act pursuant to which the filing was filed, e.g. 34
      • fileNo (string, optional) - Filer number of the entity, e.g. 001-06140
      • filmNo (string, optional) - Film number of the entity, e.g. 20575664
    • documentFormatFiles (array) - An array listing all primary files of the filing, including its exhibits. The first item of the array always represents the filing itself. The last item of the array always represents the text .TXT version of the filing. All other items can represent exhibits, press releases, PDF documents, presentations, graphics, XML files, and more. An array item is represented as follows:
      • sequence (string, optional) - The sequence number of the file indicating the order of the files in the filing, e.g. 1.
      • description (string, optional) - Description of the file, e.g. EXHIBIT 31.1.
      • documentUrl (string) - URL to the file on The URL includes the file extension, such as .HTML, .PDF, .TXT, .XML, etc.
      • type (string, optional) - Type of the file, e.g. EX-32.1, GRAPHIC or 10-Q.
      • size (string, optional) - Size of the file in bytes, e.g. 6627216.
    • dataFiles (array) - List of data files primarily used for XBRL filings. Each item has the following fields:
      • sequence (string) - Sequence number of the file indicating its order in the filing, e.g. 1.
      • description (string) - Description of the file, e.g. XBRL INSTANCE DOCUMENT
      • documentUrl (string) - URL to the file on The URL includes the file extension, such as .XSD or .XML.
      • type (string, optional) - Type of the file, e.g. EX-101.INS, EX-101.DEF or EX-101.PRE
      • size (string, optional) - Size of the file in bytes, e.g. 6627216
    • seriesAndClassesContractsInformation (array) - List of series and classes/contracts information.
      • series (string) - Series ID, e.g. S000001297.
      • name (string) - Name of entity, e.g. PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES LIFE ASSUR CORP VAR ACCT B CL 1 SUB ACCTS
      • classesContracts (array) - List of classes/contracts. Each list item has the following keys:
        • classContract (string) - Class/Contract ID, e.g. C000011787.
        • name (string) - Name of class/contract, e.g. Class L.
        • ticker (string) - Ticker of the class/contract, e.g. URTLX.

Response Example

The following example shows the JSON response with the metadata of three filings matching the search criteria. The response includes the total number of filings matching the query and the metadata of the matching filings.

JSON: Example Response with 3 Filings
1 {
2 "total": {
3 "value": 10000,
4 "relation": "gte"
5 },
6 "filings": [
7 {
8 "id": "9bb018bb35b26df92204a0afba52c30a",
9 "accessionNo": "0001437749-20-002201",
10 "cik": "924383",
11 "ticker": "GNSS",
12 "companyName": "Genasys Inc.",
13 "companyNameLong": "Genasys Inc. (Filer)",
14 "formType": "10-Q",
15 "periodOfReport": "2019-12-31",
16 "description": "Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]",
17 "filedAt": "2020-02-10T19:28:05-05:00",
18 "linkToTxt": "",
19 "linkToHtml": "",
20 "linkToFilingDetails": "",
21 "entities": [
22 {
23 "companyName": "Genasys Inc. (Filer)",
24 "cik": "0000924383",
25 "irsNo": "870361799",
26 "stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
27 "fiscalYearEnd": "0930",
28 "type": "10-Q",
29 "act": "34",
30 "fileNo": "000-24248",
31 "filmNo": "20593428",
32 "sic": "3651 Household Audio & Video Equipment"
33 }
34 ],
35 "documentFormatFiles": [
36 {
37 "sequence": "1",
38 "description": "FORM 10-Q",
39 "documentUrl": "",
40 "type": "10-Q",
41 "size": "938119"
42 },
43 {
44 "sequence": "2",
45 "description": "EXHIBIT 31.1",
46 "documentUrl": "",
47 "type": "EX-31.1",
48 "size": "13563"
49 },
50 {
51 "sequence": "3",
52 "description": "EXHIBIT 31.2",
53 "documentUrl": "",
54 "type": "EX-31.2",
55 "size": "13507"
56 },
57 {
58 "sequence": "4",
59 "description": "EXHIBIT 32.1",
60 "documentUrl": "",
61 "type": "EX-32.1",
62 "size": "8102"
63 },
64 {
65 "sequence": "11",
66 "documentUrl": "",
67 "type": "GRAPHIC",
68 "size": "5579"
69 },
70 {
71 "sequence": " ",
72 "description": "Complete submission text file",
73 "documentUrl": "",
74 "type": " ",
75 "size": "6627216"
76 }
77 ],
78 "dataFiles": [
79 {
80 "sequence": "5",
81 "description": "XBRL INSTANCE DOCUMENT",
82 "documentUrl": "/Archives/edgar/data/924383/000143774920002201/lrad-20191231.xml",
83 "type": "EX-101.INS",
84 "size": "1561458"
85 },
86 {
87 "sequence": "6",
89 "documentUrl": "/Archives/edgar/data/924383/000143774920002201/lrad-20191231.xsd",
90 "type": "EX-101.SCH",
91 "size": "70974"
92 },
93 {
94 "sequence": "7",
96 "documentUrl": "/Archives/edgar/data/924383/000143774920002201/lrad-20191231_cal.xml",
97 "type": "EX-101.CAL",
98 "size": "49944"
99 },
100 {
101 "sequence": "8",
103 "documentUrl": "/Archives/edgar/data/924383/000143774920002201/lrad-20191231_def.xml",
104 "type": "EX-101.DEF",
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