Form C Crowdfunding API

The Form C Crowdfunding API enables filtering all Form C filings published on the SEC EDGAR database since May 2016, when submission of Form C in XML format became mandatory. The API accepts search queries as JSON-formatted payload and returns the matching filings in JSON format.

Form C is the official disclosure document that companies file when launching a crowdfunding campaign under Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF). These filings offer a comprehensive view of a company's capital-raising efforts, detailing key information such as the issuer's background, offering amounts, and financial metrics.

Dataset size:
More than 30,000 Form C filings originally filed in XML format since May 2016 to present.
Data update frequency:
New filings are indexed and searchable within 300 milliseconds of being published on EDGAR.
Survivorship bias free:
Yes. The dataset includes all Form C filings, covering both active and historical crowdfunding campaigns.

API Endpoint

The Form C API allows searching and filtering all Form C filings published on the SEC EDGAR database since 2016 to present. The API accepts search queries as JSON formatted payload and returns the matching Form C filings in JSON format. The API endpoint is:

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Request and response content type: JSON


To authenticate API requests, use the API key displayed in your user profile. Utilize the API key in one of two ways. Choose the method that best fits your use case:

  • Authorization Header: Set the API key as an Authorization header. For instance, before sending a POST request to, ensure the header is set as follows: Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY. Do not include any prefix like Bearer.
  • Query Parameter: Alternatively, append your API key directly to the URL as a query parameter. For example, when making POST requests, use the URL instead of the base endpoint.

Request Structure

The following request parameters are supported:

  • query (string) - The search criteria in the format field:value defining thefield to search in and the value to search for in this field. The search expression is written in Lucene syntax and supports AND and OR operators. Examples: cik:4568 or filedAt:[2019-01-01 TO 2022-12-31].
  • from (integer) - Pagination control to specify the starting position of the results. Max: 10000. Default: 0.
  • size (integer) - The number of Form C filings to be returned in one response. Default: 50. Max: 50.
  • sort (array) - Specifies the field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted by filedAt in descending order, starting with the most recent filings: [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]

Request Examples

Find the two most recently submitted Form C filings for the company with CIK 1277575.

1 {
2 "query": "cik:1277575",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "2",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
6 }

Find all Form C filings for which the company offers common stock and list the 10 most recent filings.

1 {
2 "query": "offeringInformation.securityOfferedType:\"Common Stock\"",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "10",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
6 }

List the ten most recent Form C filings with an offering amount exceeding $100,000.

1 {
2 "query": "offeringInformation.offeringAmount > 100000",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "10",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
6 }

Find the five most recent Form C filings from companies with total assets exceeding $2,500,000 in their most recent financial year.

1 {
2 "query": "annualReportDisclosureRequirements.totalAssetMostRecentFiscalYear > 2500000",
3 "from": "0",
4 "size": "5",
5 "sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
6 }

Response Structure

When the API locates matches within the Form C database, it returns a JSON response including two fields: total and data. The value field inside the total object indicates the total number of Form C filings that match the search criteria, while the data field contains an array of Form C filing objects that match the query. The maximum number of metadata objects inside thedata array is determined by the size and limited to 50. Each Form C filing object comprises the following fields:

  • id (string) - System-internal unique identifier of the filing record.
  • accessionNo (string) - Unique accession number of the Form C filing, e.g. 0001277575-24-000006.
  • fileNo (string) - Unique identifier used to reference and track filings of the same process, e.g. 020-34763
  • formType (string) - The form type of the SEC filing. Possible values: C, C-W, C-U, C-U-W, C/A, C/A-W, C-AR, C-AR-, C-AR/A, C-AR/A-W, C-T, C-TR-W.
  • filedAt (date) - The timestamp when the filing was accepted by SEC EDGAR, e.g. 2024-05-15T16:17:15-04:00.
  • periodOfReport (date) - The reporting period covered by this Form C submission. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-06-30. In annual reports this corresponds to the fiscal year end.
  • cik (string) - Central Index Key (CIK) of the reporting entity, e.g. 1021408. This is a unique identifier assigned by the SEC to the filer. Leading zeros are omitted.
  • ticker (string) - If the filer represents a publicly traded company, the stock ticker symbol of the filer at the time of filing.
  • companyName (string) - The legal name of the issuer as provided in the filing, e.g. SAXON CAPITAL GROUP INC.
  • issuerInformation (object) - Detailed information regarding the issuer and its filing characteristics. This includes flags for amendments or progress updates, along with core details about the issuer’s legal structure, address, and online presence.
    • isAmendment (boolean) - Indicates whether this filing is an amendment to a previously submitted offering statement.
    • progressUpdate (string) - For progress update submissions, this field provides a brief update on the progress of the offering or related changes.
    • natureOfAmendment (string) - A description of the amendment’s nature when filing an amended offering statement, detailing material changes that may require investor reconfirmation.
    • issuerInfo (object) - Core identifying information for the issuer, including its name, legal status, and registered address.
      • nameOfIssuer (string) - The full legal name of the issuer as it appears on the filing.
      • legalStatus (object) - Details regarding the issuer's legal organization including type, jurisdiction, and incorporation date.
        • legalStatusForm (string) - The legal form of the issuer. Possible values: Corporation, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Company, General Partnership, Business Trust, or Other.
        • legalStatusOtherDesc (string) - Additional description if the legal status does not fall under standard categories.
        • jurisdictionOrganization (string) - The jurisdiction (state or country) where the issuer is organized.
        • dateIncorporation (string) - The date on which the issuer was incorporated or organized. Format: original date string from the XML file, typically MM-DD-YYYY, e.g. 08-27-2018.
      • issuerAddress (object) - The primary physical address of the issuer, used for correspondence and legal notices.
        • street1 (string) - The first line of the issuer’s street address.
        • street2 (string) - The second line of the address, if applicable.
        • city (string) - City in which the issuer is located.
        • stateOrCountry (string) - The state or country of the issuer’s address.
        • zipCode (string) - The postal or ZIP code for the issuer’s address.
      • issuerWebsite (string) - The official website URL of the issuer.
    • isCoIssuer (boolean) - true if a co-issuer is involved in this filing.
    • coIssuers (array of objects) - Information about the co-issuer, if applicable, mirroring the structure used for the primary issuer.
      • isEdgarFiler (string) - Indicates if the co-issuer is registered with EDGAR.
      • coIssuerCik (string) - The Central Index Key (CIK) of the co-issuer.
      • nameOfCoIssuer (string) - The legal name of the co-issuer.
      • coIssuerLegalStatus (object) - The legal organization details for the co-issuer.
        • legalStatusForm (string) - The legal form of the co-issuer. Possible values: Corporation, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Company, General Partnership, Business Trust, or Other.
        • legalStatusOtherDesc (string) - Additional description if the co-issuer’s legal status is categorized as “Other.”
        • jurisdictionOrganization (string) - The jurisdiction (state or country) where the co-issuer is organized.
        • dateIncorporation (string) - The incorporation or organization date of the co-issuer. Format: original date string from the XML file, typically MM-DD-YYYY, e.g. 08-27-2018.
      • coIssuerAddress (object) - The registered address of the co-issuer.
        • street1 (string) - The first line of the co-issuer’s address.
        • street2 (string) - The second address line, if applicable.
        • city (string) - City for the co-issuer’s address.
        • stateOrCountry (string) - State or country for the co-issuer.
        • zipCode (string) - Postal code for the co-issuer’s address.
      • coIssuerWebsite (string) - The official website URL for the co-issuer.
    • companyName (string) - The company name as it appears on the filing.
    • commissionCik (string) - The CIK of the intermediary (if applicable) used to route or track the filing.
    • commissionFileNumber (string) - The SEC file number assigned to the intermediary handling the filing.
    • crdNumber (string) - The CRD number, if applicable, of the intermediary involved in the offering.
  • offeringInformation (object) - Information pertaining to the offering itself including compensation, security type, target offering amounts, pricing and oversubscription details as specified in the Form C.
    • compensationAmount (string) - The amount (or percentage) of compensation to be paid to the intermediary for conducting the offering.
    • financialInterest (string) - Any other direct or indirect interest the intermediary has in the issuer or arrangements for acquiring such interest.
    • securityOfferedType (string) - The type of security offered. Possible values: Common Stock, Preferred Stock, Debt, or Other.
    • securityOfferedOtherDesc (string) - When Other is selected for securityOfferedType, this field provides a description of the security.
    • noOfSecurityOffered (number) - The target number of securities to be offered in the transaction.
    • price (number) - The price per security or the fixed value used for determining the offering price.
    • priceDeterminationMethod (string) - Description of the method used to determine the security price if not set as a fixed value.
    • offeringAmount (number) - The total target offering amount as specified in the filing.
    • overSubscriptionAccepted (boolean) - Indicates whether oversubscriptions are accepted for the offering.
    • overSubscriptionAllocationType (string) - The allocation method used if oversubscriptions are accepted. Possible values: Pro-rata basis, First-come, first-served basis, or Other.
    • descOverSubscription (string) - A descriptive explanation of the oversubscription process when an allocation type of Other is selected.
    • maximumOfferingAmount (number) - The maximum offering amount, if it differs from the target offering amount.
    • deadlineDate (string) - The deadline by which the target offering amount must be met, in the appropriate date format. Format: original date string from the XML file, typically MM-DD-YYYY, e.g. 08-27-2018.
  • annualReportDisclosureRequirements (object) - Financial disclosure requirements for annual reporting including employee counts, asset totals, cash, debts, revenues, and other key financial metrics.
    • currentEmployees (number) - The current number of employees as reported in the filing.
    • totalAssetMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Total assets as reported at the end of the most recent fiscal year.
    • totalAssetPriorFiscalYear (number) - Total assets as reported at the end of the fiscal year preceding the most recent.
    • cashEquiMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Cash and cash equivalents for the most recent fiscal year.
    • cashEquiPriorFiscalYear (number) - Cash and cash equivalents for the fiscal year prior to the most recent.
    • actReceivedMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Accounts receivable (or similar metrics such as trade receivables) for the most recent fiscal year.
    • actReceivedPriorFiscalYear (number) - Accounts receivable for the prior fiscal year.
    • shortTermDebtMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Short-term debt obligations for the most recent fiscal year.
    • shortTermDebtPriorFiscalYear (number) - Short-term debt obligations for the prior fiscal year.
    • longTermDebtMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Long-term debt for the most recent fiscal year.
    • longTermDebtPriorFiscalYear (number) - Long-term debt for the prior fiscal year.
    • revenueMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Revenues or sales reported for the most recent fiscal year.
    • revenuePriorFiscalYear (number) - Revenues or sales for the fiscal year prior to the most recent.
    • costGoodsSoldMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Cost of goods sold for the most recent fiscal year.
    • costGoodsSoldPriorFiscalYear (number) - Cost of goods sold for the prior fiscal year.
    • taxPaidMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Taxes paid as reported for the most recent fiscal year.
    • taxPaidPriorFiscalYear (number) - Taxes paid for the prior fiscal year.
    • netIncomeMostRecentFiscalYear (number) - Net income for the most recent fiscal year.
    • netIncomePriorFiscalYear (number) - Net income for the fiscal year preceding the most recent.
    • issueJurisdictionSecuritiesOffering (array of string) - List of two letter codes of the jurisdictions (states or territories) in which the issuer intends to offer the securities.
  • signatureInfo (object) - Signature information for the filing, including the authorized issuer signature and additional signatory details.
    • issuerSignature (object) - Signature details provided by the issuer or its authorized representative.
      • issuer (string) - The name of the issuer or the representative signing the filing.
      • issuerSignature (string) - The digital signature or identifier representing the issuer’s signature.
      • issuerTitle (string) - The title or position of the issuer’s signing representative.
    • signaturePersons (array of object) - Details for any additional signatories including their signature, title, and the date of signing.
      • personSignature (string) - The digital signature or identifier for the additional signatory.
      • personTitle (string) - The title or position of the additional signatory.
      • signatureDate (string) - The date on which the signature was provided, in an accepted date format. Format: original date string from the XML file, typically MM-DD-YYYY, e.g. 08-27-2018.

Response Example

1 {
2 "total": {
3 "value": 10000,
4 "relation": "gte"
5 },
6 "data": [
7 {
8 "id": "23591473a1f0efca6469e2f47b320b24",
9 "accessionNo": "0001277575-24-000006",
10 "fileNo": "020-34763",
11 "formType": "C/A",
12 "filedAt": "2024-12-31T16:03:13-05:00",
13 "cik": "1277575",
14 "ticker": "SCGX",
15 "companyName": "SAXON CAPITAL GROUP INC",
16 "issuerInformation": {
17 "isAmendment": true,
18 "natureOfAmendment": "The issuer is extending their offering till February 1, 2025.",
19 "issuerInfo": {
20 "nameOfIssuer": "SAXON CAPITAL GROUP INC",
21 "legalStatus": {
22 "legalStatusForm": "Corporation",
23 "jurisdictionOrganization": "NV",
24 "dateIncorporation": "11-12-2003"
25 },
26 "issuerAddress": {
27 "street1": "7740 E GRAY RD",
28 "street2": "#103",
29 "city": "SCOTTSDALE",
30 "stateOrCountry": "AZ",
31 "zipCode": "85260"
32 },
33 "issuerWebsite": ""
34 },
35 "isCoIssuer": false,
36 "companyName": "PicMii Crowdfunding LLC",
37 "commissionCik": "0001817013",
38 "commissionFileNumber": "007-00246",
39 "crdNumber": "310171"
40 },
41 "offeringInformation": {
42 "compensationAmount": "PicMii is a FINRA/SEC registered funding portal and will receive cash compensation equal to 4.9% of the value of the securities sold through Regulation CF and a $2,500 upfront fee and reimbursement for escrow expenses.",
43 "financialInterest": "None.",
44 "securityOfferedType": "Common Stock",
45 "noOfSecurityOffered": 4000,
46 "price": 2.5,
47 "priceDeterminationMethod": "At issuer's discretion.",
48 "offeringAmount": 10000,
49 "overSubscriptionAccepted": true,
50 "overSubscriptionAllocationType": "Other",
51 "descOverSubscription": "At issuer's discretion.",
52 "maximumOfferingAmount": 124000,
53 "deadlineDate": "02-01-2025"
54 },
55 "annualReportDisclosureRequirements": {
56 "currentEmployees": 10,
57 "totalAssetMostRecentFiscalYear": 688311,
58 "totalAssetPriorFiscalYear": 350459,
59 "cashEquiMostRecentFiscalYear": 348575,
60 "cashEquiPriorFiscalYear": 282926,
61 "actReceivedMostRecentFiscalYear": 0,
62 "actReceivedPriorFiscalYear": 0,
63 "shortTermDebtMostRecentFiscalYear": 5227,
64 "shortTermDebtPriorFiscalYear": 4600,
65 "longTermDebtMostRecentFiscalYear": 0,
66 "longTermDebtPriorFiscalYear": 0,
67 "revenueMostRecentFiscalYear": 0,
68 "revenuePriorFiscalYear": 0,
69 "costGoodsSoldMostRecentFiscalYear": 0,
70 "costGoodsSoldPriorFiscalYear": 0,
71 "taxPaidMostRecentFiscalYear": 0,
72 "taxPaidPriorFiscalYear": 0,
73 "netIncomeMostRecentFiscalYear": 839854,
74 "netIncomePriorFiscalYear": 566888,
75 "issueJurisdictionSecuritiesOffering": [
76 "AL",
77 "AK",
78 "AZ",
79 // cut of for brevity
80 "A9",
81 "B0",
82 "Z4"
83 ]
84 },
85 "signatureInfo": {
86 "issuerSignature": {
88 "issuerSignature": "Clifford Paul",
89 "issuerTitle": "CEO"
90 },
91 "signaturePersons": [
92 {
93 "personSignature": "Clifford Paul",
94 "personTitle": "CEO",
95 "signatureDate": "12-31-2024"
96 }
97 ]
98 }
99 },
100 // cut off for brevity
101 ]
102 }

Form C Filing Types

The following table provides an overview of different SEC Form C filing types used in crowdfunding submissions.

Form TypeDescription
CInitial filing required to launch a crowdfunding campaign.
C-WWithdrawal of a previously filed Form C before the offering begins.
C-UUpdates on fundraising progress when reaching 50% or 100% of the target.
C-U-WWithdrawal of a previously filed fundraising progress update (C-U).
C/AAmendment to a previously filed Form C with updated information.
C/A-WWithdrawal of an amended Form C.
C-ARAnnual report updating investors on the company’s financials and progress.
C-AR-WWithdrawal of a previously filed annual report (C-AR).
C-AR/AAmendment to a previously filed annual report (C-AR).
C-AR/A-WWithdrawal of a previously filed amendment to an annual report (C-AR/A).
C-TRTermination report used to end ongoing reporting obligations.
C-TR-WWithdrawal of a termination report (C-TR).


For more information about C filings and Regulation Crowdfunding, visit the SEC websites here: