SEC EDGAR Filing Types & Exhibits

The following is a list of the 490 most common SEC EDGAR form types with their respective descriptions and filing exhibits, covering over 800,000 EDGAR filers from 1993 to the present.

EDGAR Form Types

Common EDGAR form types with their respective descriptions

All EDGAR filings from 1993 to present can be searched using any of the following form types. Examples of various filing type searches are available in the sandbox.

Form TypeDescription
1National Securities Exchange Registration Application
1-AOffering Statement 1-A, Offering Statement [Regulation A], 1A, A-1
1-A POSForm 1-A Amendment, Post-effective amendment to Form 1-A filing
1-A-WWithdrawl of Form 1-A, Statement of withdrawl of a Form 1-A filing
1-ENotification under Regulation E by small business investment companies and business development companies
1-E ADSales material filed pursuant to Rule 607 under Regulation E.
1-KAnnual Report, Annual Report Persuant to Regulation A of the Securites Act of 1933
1-SASemiannual report
1-UCurrent report
1-ZExit report
1-Z-WWithdrawl of Form 1-Z, Statement of withdrawl of a Form 1-Z filing
10-12BInitial general form for registration of a class of securities pursuant to section 12(b)
10-12GInitial general form for registration of a class of securities pursuant to section 12(g)
10-CSecurities Issuer Report
10-DAsset-Backed Issuer Distribution
10-KAnnual Report
10-K/AAmended Annual Report
10-K405Annual Report S-K Item 405
10-K405/AAmended Annual Report (Regulation S-K, item 405)
10-KSBAnnual Report
10-KSB/AAmended Annual Report
10-KTTransition report pursuant to Rule 13a-10 or 15d-10
10-KT/AAmended Transition report pursuant to Rule 13a-10 or 15d-10
10-QQuarterly Report
10-Q/AAmended Quarterly Report
10-QSBQuarterly Report for Small Business, Form 10QSB is an alternative name for Form 10QSB
10-QTQuarterly Report
10-QT/AAmended Quarterly Report
10KSBAnnual Report
10KSB/AAmended Annual Report
10KSB40Annual and Transition Reports
10KSB40/AAmended Annual and Transition Reports
10KT405Annual Transition Report
10KT405/AAmended Annual Transition Report
10QSBQuarterly/Transition Report [Small Business], Optional form for quarterly and transition reports of small business issuers
10QSB/AAmended Quarterly/Transition Report [Small Business], Optional form for quarterly and transition reports of small business issuers
10SB12BRegistration of securities for small business [Section 12(b)]
10SB12GRegistration of securities for small business [Section 12(g)]: [Amend]
11-KEmployee Stock Plan Annual Report, Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans
11-KTTransition report pursuant to Rule 13a-10 or 15d-10
12G3-2BExemptions for American Depository Receipts and Certain Foreign Securities
12G32BRExemptions for American Depository Receipts and Certain Foreign Securities
13F-EQuarterly reports filed by institutional managers, Amend
13F-HRQuarterly Report, Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings
13F-NTQuarterly Report, 13F-NT - Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Notice
13FCONPQuarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings
15-12BNotice of termination of registration of a class of securities under Section 12(b)
15-12GNotice of termination of registration of a class of securities under Section 12(g)
15-15DSEC Registration Termination, Suspension of duty to report [Section 13 and 15(d)]
15F-12BSecurities registration termination of foreign private issuers [Section 12(b)]
15F-12GNotice of termination of a foreign private issuer's registration of a class of securities under Section 12(g)
15F-15DNotice of a foreign private issuers suspension of duty to file reports pursuant to Section 13 and 15(d) of the Act
18-12BRegistration of securities [Section 12(b)]
18-KAnnual report for foreign governments
19B-4EInformation required of an SRO Listing and Trading a New Directive Securities Product [Rule 19b-4(e)]
2-ARegistration statement for closed-end investment companies: [Amend]
2-AFFinal Report of Sales of Securities [Rule 260]
2-ESales material filed pursuant to Rule 609 under Regulation E.
20-FAnnual/Transition Report, Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers [Sections 13 or 15(d)]
20-F/AAmended Annual/Transition Report, Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers [Sections 13 or 15(d)]
20FR12BForm for initial registration of a class of securities of foreign private issuers pursuant to section 12(b)
20FR12GForm for initial registration of a class of securities of foreign private issuers pursuant to section 12(g)
24F-1Registration of securities by certain investment companies [Rule 24F-1]. Notification of election.
24F-2ELRegistration of securities by certain investment companies [Rule 24F-2]. Declaration of election.
24F-2NTAnnual Securities Sale Report, Annual Notice of Securities Sold
24F-2TMRegistration of securities by certain investment companies [Rule 24F-2]. Termination of Declaration of election.
25Securities Removal Notice
25-NSEDelisting, Notice of stock delisting from an exchange
3Security Ownership Statement, Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securities
305B2Application for designation of a new trustee under the Trust Indenture Act
34-12HApplication for Exemption [Section 12(g)] or from filing certain reports [Section 13(a)]
35-APPStatement on proposed transaction where no application is prescribed [Rule 20(e)]
35-CERTCertificate, terms and conditions [Rule 24]
4Security Sale/Purchase Record, Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities
40-17F2Initial certificate of accounting of securities and similar investments in the custody of management investment companies
40-17GFidelity bond
40-24B2Filing of sales literature
40-33All stockholder derivative actions filed with a court against an investment company or an affiliate
40-6BThe Investment Company Act Excemption Application
40-6CApplication for exemption and other relief [Section 6(c)]: [Amend]
40-8B25Document or Report
40-8F-2Initial application for de-registration pursuant to Investment Company Act Rule 0-2
40-8F-AApplication for deregistration, abandonment of registration
40-APPExemption Application, 40-APP - Application for exemption and other relief filed under the Investment Company Act of 1940
40-FAnnual Report / Registration, SEC Form 40-F includes Annual Reports [Section 13(a)/15(d)] or Registration Statements [Section 12]
40-F/AAmended Annual Report / Registration, SEC Form 40-F includes Annual Reports [Section 13(a)/15(d)] or Registration Statements [Section 12]
40-OIPApplications under the Investment Company Act reviewed by Office of Insurance Products
40FR12BRegistration of a class of securities of certain Canadian issuers
40FR12GRegistration of a class of securities of certain Canadian issuers pursuant to Section 12(g) of the 1934 Act
424AProspectus [Rule 424(a)]
424B1Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(1)]
424B2Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(2)]
424B3Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]
424B4Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(4)]
424B5Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(5)]
424B7Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(7)]
424B8Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(8)]
424HAsset Backed Notes Registration Statement, FILED PURSUANT TO RULE 424(h)
425Merger Prospectus/Communication, Prospectuses and communications, business combinations
485A24EPost Effective Amendments
485APOSPost-effective amendment
485BPOSSecurities Registration Amendment N-1A, Post-effective amendment [Rule 485(b)]
485BXTPost-effective amendment
486APOSPost-effective amendment
486BPOSPost-effective amendment
487Pre-effective pricing amendment
497Investment Prospectus, Prospectus
497ADAdvertising Disclosure
497H2Filings made pursuant to Rule 497(h)(2)
497JCertification of Filing, Certification of no change in definitive materials
497KProspectus Summary
497K1Profiles for certain open-end management investment companies
497K2Profiles for certain open-end management investment companies
497K3AProfiles for certain open-end management investment companies
497K3BProfiles for certain open-end management investment companies
5Annual Security Ownership Report, Annual statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities
6-KForeign Issuer Report, Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]
6-K/AAmended Foreign Issuer Report, Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]
8-A12BSecurities Registration
8-A12GNotification that a class of securities of successor issuer is deemed to be registered
8-KCurrent Report, Unscheduled Material Events
8-K/AAmended Current Report, Unscheduled Material Events
8-K12BNotification that a class of securities of successor issuer is deemed to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b)
8-K12G3Notification that a class of securities of successor issuer is deemed to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g)
8-K15D5Notification of assumption of duty to report by successor
8-M8-M Filing
8F-2 NTC
9-M9-M Filing
ABS-15GAsset-Backed Securitizer Report, Asset-backed securitizer report pursuant to Section 15G, item 2.01
ANNLRPTPeriodic Development Bank filing, submitted annually
ARSAnnual Report
AWApplication for Withdrawl, Form AW is a request to have the SEC withdraw a prior filing or amendment.
AW WDWithdrawal of a request for withdrawal of an amendment to a registration statement
COffering statement
C-ARAnnual report, An annual report by the company that includes financial statements.
C-TRTermination of reporting, If eligible, a filing by the company terminating its obligation to file annual reports.
C-UProgress updates
CBCertain tender offers, business combinations and rights offerings, in which the subject company is a foreign private issuer of which less than 10% of its securities are held by U.S. persons
CERTNYSNYSE Listing Certification, Certification by the New York Stock Exchange for Public Listing
CORRESPS.E.C. Correspondence Letter, CORRESP documents are letters or requests filed by the SEC directed toward a company.
CT ORDERConfidential Treatment Order.
DStock / Securites Offering
DEF 14ADefinitive Proxy Statement, Other definitive proxy statements
DEF 14CDefinitive information statements
DEF13E3Schedule (definitive)
DEFA14AProxy Soliciting Materials, Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials and Rule 14(a)(12) material
DEFA14CDefinitive additional information statement materials including Rule 14(a)(12) material
DEFC14ADefinitive proxy statement in connection with contested solicitations
DEFC14CDefinitive information statement - contested solicitations
DEFM14ADefinitive proxy statement relating to a merger or acquisition
DEFM14CDefinitive information statement relating to merger or acquisition
DEFN14ADefinitive proxy statement filed by non management
DEFR14ADefinitive revised proxy soliciting materials
DEFR14CDefinitive revised information statement materials
DEFS14AProxy Statement for Special Meeting, Definitive proxy statement for special meeting
DEFS14C Information Statement - Special Meeting (definitive)
DEL AMSeparately filed delaying amendment
DFAN14AProxy Soliciting Materials
DFRN14ARevised definitive proxy statement filed by non-management
DRSRegistration Statement [Draft]
DRSLTRRegistration Statement [Draft]
DSTRBRPTDistribution of primary obligations Development Bank report
EFFECTNotice of Effectiveness
F-1Foreign Private Issuer Registration, Registration Statement For Certain Foreign Private Issuers
F-10Registration statement for securities of certain Canadian issuers
F-10EFAuto effective registration statement for securities of certain Canadian issuer under the Securities Act of 1933
F-10POSPost-effective amendment to a F-10EF registration
F-1MEFA new registration statement filed under Rule 462(b) to add securities to a prior related effective registration statement filed on Form F-1
F-3Registration statement for specified transactions by certain foreign private issuers
F-3ASRAutomatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers
F-3DRegistration statement for dividend or interest reinvestment plan securities of foreign private issuers
F-3DPOSPost-Effective amendment to a F-3D registration
F-4Merger Proposal Registration, Registration of securities, foreign private issuers, business combinations
F-4 POSPost-effective amendment to a F-4EF registration
F-6Registration statement for American Depositary Receipts representing securities of certain foreign private issuers
F-6 POSPost-effective amendment to a F-6EF registration
F-6EFAuto effective registration statement for American Depositary Receipts representing securities of certain foreign private issuers
F-7Registration statement for securities of certain Canadian issuers offered for cash upon the exercise of rights granted to existing security holders
F-7 POSPost-effective amendment to a F-7 registration
F-8Registration statement for securities of certain Canadian issuers to be issued in exchange offers or a business combination
F-80Registration of securities of certain Canadian issuers to be issued in exchange offers or a business combination under the Securities Act of 1933
F-9Securities Registration, Form F-9 is a securities registration filing.
F-NNotification of the appointment of an agent for service by certain foreign institutions
F-XService / Processing Agent Appointment
FOCUSNAnnual Audit Report, Non-public annual audit reports filed by brokers or dealers
FWPFree Writing Prospectus, Filing under Securities Act Rules 163/433 of free writing prospectuses
G-405G-405 Filing
IRANNOTICEExchange Act Annual Disclosure Report
MAMunicipal Advisor Registration Application, Application for Municipal Advisor Registration for Business Entities
MA-AAnnual Municipal Advisor Registration Update, APPLICATION FOR MUNICIPAL ADVISOR REGISTRATION, Annual Update
MA-IMunicipal Advisor Registration Application, Application for Municipal Advisor Registration for Natural Persons
MA-WMunicipal Advisor Withdrawl, Notice of Withdrawal from Registration as a Municipal Advisor
N-14Registration statement for fund mergers, Disclosure document includes information about a fund merger or other similar transaction.
N-14 8CInitial registration statement filed on Form N14 by closed-end investment company (business combinations)
N-14AEFiling N-14AE
N-18F1Initial notification of election pursuant to Rule 18f-1 filed on Form N-18F-1
N-1ARegistration statement (including a prospectus)
N-2Investment Company Registration, Registration statement for closed-end investment companies
N-23C-2Notice by closed-end investment companies of intention to call or redeem their own securities
N-23C3ANotification of periodic repurchase offer Filed pursuant to Rule 23c-3(b) only
N-23C3BFiling N-23C3B
N-3Initial registration statement on Form N-3 for separate accounts (management investment companies)
N-3 EL
N-30B-2Periodic and interim reports mailed to investment company shareholders
N-30DShareholder Report, Annual and semi-annual reports mailed to shareholders [Rule 30d-1]
N-4Registration statement (including a prospectus)
N-4 EL
N-54ANotification of election by business development companies
N-54CNotification of election by business development companies
N-6Registration statement for separate accounts
N-6FNotice of intent by business development companies to elect to be subject to Sections 55 through 65 of the 1940 Act filed on Form N-6F
N-8AInitial notification of registration under section 8(a) filed on Form N-8A
N-8B-2Initial registration statement for unit investment trusts
N-8FApplication for deregistration made on Form N-8F
N-8F NTCNotice of Pending Investment Company Deregistration, Notice of Applications for Deregistration under Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act of 1940
N-8F ORDROrder Suspending Investment Company Registration
N-CENSeries/Class Registration Information Annual Report
N-CSRAnnual/semi-annual shareholder reports
N-CSRSSemi-Annual Certified Shareholder Report, Certified Shareholder Report, Semi-Annual
N-MFPMonthly Schedule Of Portfolio Holdings Of Money Market Funds
N-PXProxy Voting Annual Report, N-PX - Annual Report of proxy voting record of management investment companies
N-QQuarterly Holding Report, Quarterly Schedule of portfolio holdings of management investment companies
NO ACTNo Action Statement, A NO ACT filing is a statement or request for no action to be taken.
NPORT-EXPortfolio of Investments
NPORT-PMonthly Portfolio Investments Report
NSAR-ASemi-Annual Report, Semi-annual report for management companies
NSAR-BAnnual Report, Annual report for management companies
NSAR-BTTransitional annual report filed on Form NSAR
NSAR-UAnnual report for unit investment trusts
NT 10-D
NT 10-KNotice of Late Annual Filing
NT 10-K/AAmended Notice of Late Annual Filing
NT 10-QNotice of Late Quarterly Filing
NT 10-Q/AAmended Notice of Late Quarterly Filing
NT 11-KNotice under Rule 12b25 of inability to timely file all or part of a form 11-K
NT 15D2
NT 20-FNotice under Rule 12b25 of inability to timely file all or part of an annual report of form 20-F
NT-NCSRNotice under Exchange Act Rule 12b-25 of inability to timely file Form N-CSR (annual or semi-annual report)
NT-NSARNotice under Exchange Act Rule 12b-25 of inability to timely file Form N-SAR
NTN 10KFiling NTN 10K
NTN 10QFiling NTN 10Q
NTN 20FFiling NTN 20F
POS 8CPost-effective amendment by closed-end investment companies
POS AMPost-Effective Filing Amendment, Form POS AM includes ammendments to any type of filing which has already taken effect.
POS AMIPost-effective amendment
POS EXRegistration Statement Exhibits, POS EX - Post-effective amendment adding exhibits to registration statement [Rule 462(d)]
POS462BPost-effective amendment to Securities Act Rule 462(b) registration statement
POS462CPost-effective amendment to a registration statement filed under Rule 462(c)
POSASRPost-effective amendment to an automatic shelf registration statement on Form S-3ASR or Form F-3ASR
PRE 14APreliminary Proxy Soliciting Materials, A preliminary DEF 14A / DEFA14A proxy soliciting material filing for SEC records or approval.
PRE 14CPreliminary information statement not related to a contested matter or merger/acquisition
PRE13E3Initial statement (preliminary)
PREC14APreliminary proxy statement in connection with contested solicitations
PREC14CPreliminary information statements - contested solicitations
PREM14APreliminary proxy statement relating to a merger or acquisition
PREM14CPreliminary information statements relating to merger or acquisition
PREN14APreliminary proxy statement filed by non-management
PRER14APreliminary revised proxy soliciting materials
PRER14CPreliminary revised information statements
PRES14APreliminary Proxy Statement/Special Meeting
PRES14CInformation Statement - Special Meeting (preliminary)
PRRN14ARevised preliminary proxy statement filed by non-management
PX14A6GShareholder Solicitation by 3rd Party, Exempt Solicitation Pursuant to rules 14a-6(g) (1) and 14a-103
QRTLYRPTPeriodic Development Bank filing, submitted quarterly
QUALIFNotice of Qualification
REGDEXScanned Paper Filing, A REGDEX is a scanned paper filing that may be any form.
REVOKEDRevocation of Securities
RWRegistration Withdrawal Request
RW WDWithdrawal of a Registration Withdrawal Request
S-1IPO Investment Prospectus
S-11Registration statement for securities to be issued by real estate companies
S-11MEFA new registration statement filed under Rule 462(b) to add securities to a prior related effective registration statement filed on Form S 11
S-1MEFRegistration of Securities Addition, Registration adding securities to prior Form S-1 registration [Rule 462(b)]
S-2Securities Registration Statement
S-3Security Offering and Investment Prospectus
S-3ASRSecurities Registration, Automatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers
S-3DAutomatically effective registration statement for securities issued pursuant to dividend or interest reinvestment plans
S-3DPOSPost-effective amendment to a S-3D registration statement
S-3MEFA new registration statement filed under Rule 462(b) to add securities to a prior related effective registration statement filed on Form S 3
S-4Business Securities Merger/Acquisition Registration, Registration of securities, business combinations
S-4 POSPost-effective amendment to a S-4EF registration statement
S-4MEFA new registration statement filed under Rule 462(b) to add securities to a prior related effective registration statement filed on Form S-4
S-6Securities Registration Statement [Investment Trust], Registration statement for unit investment trusts
S-8Employee Benefit Plan Security Offering, Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments
S-8 POSEmployee Benefit Plan Security Offering, Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments
S-BRegistration statement for securities of foreign governments and subdivisions
S-BMEFA new registration statement filed under Rule 462(b) to add securities to a prior related effective registration statement filed on Form SB-1
SB-2Small Business Stock Registration, Optional form for registration of securities to be sold to the public by small business issuers
SC 13DAcquisition Statement, General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership
SC 13E1
SC 13E3Privatization Statement, Going private transaction by certain issuers
SC 13E4
SC 13GOwnership Acquisition Statement, Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals
SC 14D1
SC 14D9Solicitation, Recommendation Statements, Solicitation, recommendation statements
SC 14F1Majority Director Change Statement, Statement regarding change in majority of directors
SC 14N
SC TO-CAcquisition Statement, Notice statement of Solicitation, Acquisition, or Tender Offer
SC TO-ITender Offer Acquisition Statement, Tender offer statement by Issuer
SC TO-TTender Offer Acquisition Statement, Tender Offer Statement by Third Party
SC13E4FIssuer tender offer statement filed pursuant to Rule 13(e)(4) by foreign issuers
SC14D1FThird party tender offer statement filed pursuant to Rule 14d-1(b) by foreign issuers
SC14D9CMerger Offer Communication, Written communication relating to third party tender offer
SDSpecialized Disclosure Report
SESE Filing
SP 15D2
SUPPLVoluntary supplemental material filed pursuant to Section 11(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 by foreign issuers
T-3Trust Indenture Qualification App, Application for qualification of trust indentures
TA-1Application for registration as a transfer agent filed pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
TA-2Annual report of transfer agent activities filed pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
TA-WNotice of withdrawal from registration as transfer agent filed pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
U-12-IBPublic Utility Compensation Statement U-12(I)-B
U-6B-2Public Utility Certificate of Security Issuance
UPLOADSecurities Filing Public Response
X-17A-5Annual Report, Annual Audited Focus Report Form X-17A-5

EDGAR Filing Exhibits

Common EDGAR filing exhibits with their respective descriptions and form types

The following table lists all exhibits of the most common EDGAR filing types, such as Form 10-K, 10-Q, S-1, etc. The exhibit identifiers can be used in combination with the filing search capabilities of the Query API to find filings that include specific exhibits.

A sample search query to locate Form 10-K filings that include Exhibit 21 (subsidiaries of the filer) can be performed in the sandbox here.

Exhibit Table

Exhibit ID and DescriptionSecurities act formsExchange act forms
(1) Underwriting agreementXXXXXXXXXX
(2) Plan of acquisition, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation or successionXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(3) (i) Articles of incorporationXXXXXXXXXXXX
(4) Instruments defining the rights of securities holders, including indentures, (i) through (v)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(vi) Description of registrant's securitiesX
(5) Opinion re legalityXXXXXXXXXX
(7) Correspondence from an independent accountant regarding non-reliance on a previously issued audit report or completed interim reviewX
(8) Opinion re tax mattersXXXXXXXXX
(9) Voting trust agreementXXXXXXX
(10) Material contractsXXXXXXXXXXX
(11)-(12) [Reserved]
(13) Annual report to security holders, Form 10-Q or quarterly report to security holders3XXX
(14) Code of EthicsXX
(15) Letter re unaudited interim financial informationXXXXXXXXX
(16) Letter re change in certifying accountant4XXXXXX
(17) Correspondence on departure of directorX
(18) Letter re change in accounting principlesXX
(19) Insider trading policies and proceduresX
(20) Other documents or statements to security holdersX
(21) Subsidiaries of the registrantXXXXXXXXX
(22) Subsidiary guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities and affiliates whose securities collateralize securities of the registrantXXXXXXXXXXXX
(23) Consents of experts and counselXXXXXXXXXX5 X5 X5 X5 X
(24) Power of attorneyXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(25) Statement of eligibility of trusteeXXXXXXXX
(26) through (30) [Reserved]
(31) (i) Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) CertificationsXX
(ii) Rule 13a-14/15d-14 CertificationsX
(32) Section 1350 Certifications6XX
(33) Report on assessment of compliance with servicing criteria for asset-backed issuersX
(34) Attestation report on assessment of compliance with servicing criteria for asset-backed securitiesX
(35) Servicer compliance statementX
(36) Depositor Certification for shelf offerings of asset-backed securitiesX
(37) through (94) [Reserved]N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
(95) Mine Safety Disclosure ExhibitXX
(96) Technical report summary7XXXXXXXX
(97) Policy Relating to Recovery of Erroneously Awarded CompensationX
(98) Reports, opinions, or appraisals in de-SPAC transactions8XXXX
(99) Additional exhibitsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(100) [Reserved]
(101) Interactive Data FileXXXXXXXXXX
(102) Asset Data FileXXXX
(103) Asset Related DocumentsXXXX
(104) Cover Page Interactive Data FileXXX
(105) [Reserved]
(106) Static Pool PDFXXX
(107) Filing Fee TableXXXXXXXXXX
1 An exhibit need not be provided about a company if: (1) With respect to such company an election has been made under Form S-4 or F-4 to provide information about such company at a level prescribed by Form S-3 or F-3; and (2) the form, the level of which has been elected under Form S-4 or F-4, would not require such company to provide such exhibit if it were registering a primary offering.
2 A Form 8-K exhibit is required only if relevant to the subject matter reported on the Form 8-K report. For example, if the Form 8-K pertains to the departure of a director, only the exhibit described in paragraph (b)(17) of this section need be filed. A required exhibit may be incorporated by reference from a previous filing.
3 Where incorporated by reference into the text of the prospectus and delivered to security holders along with the prospectus as permitted by the registration statement; or, in the case of the Form 10-K, where the annual report to security holders is incorporated by reference into the text of the Form 10-K.
4 If required pursuant to Item 304 of Regulation S-K.
5 Where the opinion of the expert or counsel has been incorporated by reference into a previously filed Securities Act registration statement.
6 Pursuant to §§ 240.13a-13(b)(3) and 240.15d-13(b)(3) of this chapter, asset-backed issuers are not required to file reports on Form 10-Q.
7 If required pursuant to § 229.1302 (Item 1302 of Regulation S-K).
8 If required pursuant to § 229.1607(c) (Item 1607(c) of Regulation S-K).

Periodic Reports by Public Companies

Public companies listed on U.S. exchanges - both domestic, U.S.-based (e.g. Microsoft) and foreign, non-U.S. (e.g. Alibaba) - must file periodic reports with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These reports disclose financial performance, corporate governance, and material events.

Periodic Reports by U.S. Public Companies

U.S.-headquartered public companies registered with the SEC and traded on U.S. exchanges must file 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K reports.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyContents
Form 10-KAll U.S. public companiesAnnually (due within 60, 75, or 90 days after fiscal year-end, depending on filer type)Comprehensive annual report: audited financial statements, risk factors, management discussion (MD&A), executive compensation, and business overview.
Form 10-QAll U.S. public companiesQuarterly (due within 40 or 45 days of quarter-end, except Q4)Quarterly financial report: unaudited financials, MD&A, market risks, legal proceedings.
Form 8-KAll U.S. public companiesAs needed (within 4 business days of a material event)Material event disclosure: earnings releases, bankruptcy, M&A, executive changes, financial restatements.
Schedule 14A, Proxy Statement (DEF 14A)Public companies soliciting votes from shareholdersAnnually (before shareholder meetings)Proxy statement for shareholders: board elections, executive pay, corporate governance matters.
Form SDCompanies required to disclose conflict minerals useAnnually (by May 31)Reports use of conflict minerals (tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold) from certain regions.

Periodic Reports by Foreign Public Companies

Public companies listed on U.S. exchanges that are headquartered outside the U.S., so called foreign private issuers (FPIs), must file 20-F or 40-F instead of 10-K and 6-K instead of 8-K.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyContents
Form 20-FForeign private issuers excluding Canadian issuersAnnually (due within 4 months of fiscal year-end)Equivalent to 10-K: audited financials, risk factors, corporate governance, MD&A, executive pay (can use IFRS or U.S. GAAP).
Form 40-FCanadian issuers filing under MJDSAnnually (due within 3 months of fiscal year-end)Equivalent to 10-K but filed by Canadian companies using their own reporting standards.
Form 6-KForeign private issuersAs needed (ongoing basis)Equivalent to 8-K: press releases, earnings reports, material events.

Periodic Reports by Investment Companies and Investment Managers

Investment companies (mutual funds, ETFs, closed-end funds, variable annuities) and investment managers (institutional advisors, hedge funds) must file periodic reports with the SEC under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

Periodic Reports by Investment Companies

Mutual funds, ETFs and closed-end funds must file annual, semi-annual, and quarterly reports to disclose their holdings, financials, and shareholder information.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyContents
N-CSRRegistered investment companies (mutual funds, ETFs, closed-end funds)Semi-Annually (within 60 days of fiscal year-end and half-year)Includes financial statements, management discussion, and shareholder reports.
N-CENRegistered investment companiesAnnually (within 75 days of fiscal year-end)A census report that provides fund-specific data (e.g., fund structure, service providers, assets, and expenses).
N-PORT (NPORT-P)Registered investment companies (excluding small funds)Monthly, but quarterly disclosed (filed within 60 days after the month-end)A detailed portfolio holdings report, including risk metrics, investment exposures, and liquidity classification.
N-PXMutual funds and ETFsAnnually (by August 31)Reports proxy voting records, showing how the fund voted on shareholder proposals.
N-1AMutual funds & ETFsInitial registration & updatesFund prospectus and Statement of Additional Information (SAI). Must be updated annually.
N-2Closed-end funds & business development companies (BDCs)Initial registration & updatesSimilar to N-1A, includes fund details, risks, and financials.
N-3, N-4, N-6Variable annuity/life insurance separate accountsInitial registration & updatesDisclosures for variable annuity and variable life insurance products.

Periodic Reports by Investment Managers

Institutional investment managers, including hedge funds and financial advisors, must report regulatory and financial information to the SEC and investors.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyContents
Form ADV (Parts 1 & 2)Registered investment advisers (RIAs)Annually (within 90 days of fiscal year-end)Part 1: General business details. Part 2: Fees, conflicts of interest, investment strategies.
Form ADV-ERIAs with custody of client assetsAnnually (with surprise audit)Filed by an independent auditor to verify client assets.
Form PFHedge funds, private equity funds, and large liquidity fundsQuarterly or Annually, depending on assets under management (AUM)Provides risk and leverage details to the SEC. Large firms file quarterly, smaller firms annually.
Form 13F
Institutional investment managers (≥$100M in equities)Quarterly (due within 45 days after quarter-end)Discloses public stock holdings in U.S. equities.
Form 13HLarge traders (≥2 million shares/day or $20M in trades/day)Annually (by January 31) and updates as neededRegisters high-frequency and large-scale traders with the SEC.
Form 13D / 13G (SC 13D, SC 13G)Investors owning ≥5% of a public companyWithin 10 days of acquiring 5% ownershipDiscloses activist investors’ holdings (13D = active investors, 13G = passive investors).

Insider Trading Reports

Insider trading reports are filed under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 144 of the Securities Act of 1933. They track the buying, selling, and ownership of a company's stock by corporate insiders, executives, directors, and large shareholders.

FormWho Files It?Filing FrequencyContents
Form 3Corporate insiders (executive officers, directors, 10%+ shareholders)Within 10 days of becoming an insiderInitial disclosure of stock ownership (number and type of shares held)
Form 4Corporate insiders who buy or sell company stockWithin 2 business days of the transactionDetails of stock transactions: amount, price, and nature (purchase, sale, options, gifts, etc.)
Form 5Corporate insiders reporting transactions not required on Form 4 (e.g., small trades, gifts, inheritances)Annually, by 45 days after fiscal year-endReports transactions exempt from Form 4 reporting
Form 144Insiders and affiliates selling restricted or control securities under Rule 144Before or at the time of sale if selling >5,000 shares or>$50,000 in value in a 3-month period Notice of intent to sell restricted/control securities, including the amount, timing, and selling method

Proxy Voting Records

Proxy voting records are filed with the SEC by investment managers, mutual funds, and institutional investors to disclose how they voted on shareholder proposals. These filings are required under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Form TypeWho Files It?PurposeFiling Deadline
N-PXMutual funds, ETFs, registered investment companiesDiscloses how a fund voted on shareholder proposals (e.g., board elections, executive compensation, ESG issues)Annually, by August 31
Schedule 14A (DEF 14A)Public companies soliciting proxiesThe definitive proxy statement sent to shareholders before annual meetingsFiled before the shareholder meeting
Schedule 14C (DEF 14C)Companies providing shareholder information (but not soliciting votes)Used when a company does not solicit proxies, but still needs to inform shareholdersFiled before the shareholder meeting
Schedule 14-N (SC 14N)Shareholders nominating directors under proxy access rulesUsed when a shareholder (or group) wants to nominate directors for election under proxy access60 days before the filing of the Definitive Proxy Statement
Schedule 13E-3 (SC 13E3)Companies going privateDiscloses proxy voting actions related to a "going private" transactionFiled before the transaction
Schedule 14D-9 (SC 14D9)Target companies responding to a tender offerDiscloses the board’s recommendation to shareholders regarding a tender offerFiled after a Schedule TO (Tender Offer Statement)
Schedule 14A, Preliminary Proxy (PRE 14A)Public companies making significant changesUsed when major changes (e.g., mergers, major governance changes) require SEC review before proxy solicitationFiled 10 days before the Definitive Proxy (DEF 14A)

Registration Statements

Registration statements filed on the EDGAR system, such as Forms S-1, S-4 and others, are used by companies and other entities to register new securities before they can be offered to the public. These forms provide detailed information about the issuer and the securities being offered. The main purpose of these registration statements is to provide potential investors with the necessary information to make informed investment decisions.

Types of Issuers and Their Registration Statements

Issuer TypeCommon Registration FormsExamples of Securities Registered
Corporate Issuers (Public Companies)S-1, S-3Common stock, preferred stock, corporate bonds, warrants, convertible securities
Investment Companies (Mutual Funds, ETFs, Closed-End Funds)N-1A, N-2, N-3, N-4, N-6Mutual fund shares, ETF shares, closed-end fund shares, variable annuity contracts, variable life insurance policies
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)S-11REIT shares, mortgage-backed securities
Foreign IssuersF-1, F-3, F-4, F-6ADRs (American Depositary Receipts), foreign stock offerings
Mergers & Acquisitions TransactionsS-4, F-4Exchange offers, securities issued in mergers, acquisitions, or business combinations
Employee Benefit PlansS-8Stock options, employee stock purchase plans (ESPP), restricted stock awards
Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs)N-5Small business investment securities

Primary Registration Statements

These forms are used for the public offering of securities:

Form TypeDescription
S-1Registration statement for new issuers conducting an IPO or unregistered offerings. It provides an overview of the company's business, financial statements, management, risks, and other relevant data.
S-1MEFRegistration adding securities to prior Form S-1 registration.
S-3Streamlined registration for seasoned issuers with at least 12 months of SEC filings.
S-4Used for securities issued in mergers, acquisitions, and exchange offers.
S-6For unit investment trusts (UITs) under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
S-8Registers securities related to employee benefit plans, such as stock options and retirement plans.
S-11Used by real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate companies issuing securities.
SB-1*Used by small business issuers to register securities for an aggregate offering price of up to $10 million.
SB-2*Used by small business issuers, allowing them to register securities without a limit on the aggregate offering price.

Foreign Issuer Registration Statements

For non-U.S. companies registering securities in the U.S.:

Form TypeDescription
F-1Equivalent to Form S-1 for foreign private issuers.
F-3Equivalent to Form S-3 for seasoned foreign issuers.
F-4Equivalent to Form S-4 for mergers, acquisitions, or exchange offers involving foreign issuers.
F-6Registers American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) representing foreign shares.
F-7, F-8, F-9, F-10Registration forms for Canadian issuers under the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System (MJDS).
F-80*Used for exchange offers or business combinations by Canadian issuers under MJDS.

Registration Statements for Securities on National Exchanges

For companies registering securities on a national exchange:

Form TypeDescription
10-12BRegisters securities on a national exchange under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
10-12GRegisters securities under the Exchange Act but not listed on an exchange.

Registration Statements for Registered Investment Companies

Registered investment companies, such as mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), closed-end funds, and variable insurance products, file specific registration statements with the SEC under both the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Form TypeDescription
N-1AUsed by open-end investment companies, including mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), to register under both the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940.
N-2Used by closed-end investment companies, including closed-end funds (CEFs) and business development companies (BDCs).
N-3Used by separate accounts offering variable annuity contracts , typically filed by insurance companies.
N-4Used by separate accounts offering variable annuity contracts structured as unit investment trusts (UITs) .
N-5*Used by small business investment companies and business development companies to register under both the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940.
N-6Used by separate accounts offering variable life insurance contracts .

Rule 485 Registration Statements

SEC Rule 485 filings are used by mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and variable annuity separate accounts to amend or update their registration statements under the Investment Company Act of 1940. These filings ensure that fund prospectuses remain current and compliant.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyPurpose
485APOS (Post-Effective Amendment)Mutual funds, ETFs, variable annuitiesAfter initial SEC review, to reflect changes before effectivenessUsed to finalize a new fund’s registration or update a previously filed 485A.
485BPOS (Post-Effective Amendment)Mutual funds, ETFs, variable annuitiesRoutine updates filed after the registration is effectiveAmends the fund’s prospectus or SAI without resetting SEC review timelines.
485BXTMutual funds, ETFsFiled for expedited processingUsed when a fund wants automatic effectiveness within 30 days.

Rule 486 Registration Statements

SEC Rule 486 filings are used by separate accounts for variable annuity and variable life insurance products to amend or update their registration statements under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Rule 486 filings can also be used by real estate and income funds structured as separate accounts. These filings function similarly to 485 filings for mutual funds and ETFs.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyPurpose
486APOSInsurance companies offering variable annuities or life insuranceBefore SEC review of a new product or major changesInitial registration statement or major updates, including fee structures, investment risks, and fund options.
486BPOSInsurance companies offering variable annuities or life insuranceAnnual or routine updates that do not require SEC reviewUpdates the prospectus, investment options, or administrative procedures without resetting SEC review timelines.
486BXTInsurance companies offering variable annuities or life insuranceFiled instead of 486BPOS when the issuer wants automatic effectiveness within 30 daysUpdate a prospectus with immediate effectiveness

Additional Forms for Investment Companies

Form TypeDescription
N-8B-2Used by unit investment trusts (UITs) to register under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (if they are not registering securities under the Securities Act of 1933).
N-14Used for business combinations, mergers, and acquisitions involving investment companies.

*) Form types are no longer used.

EFFECT Filings

An EFFECT filing is an SEC-published notice that signifies that a registration statement (e.g., S-1, S-3, F-1, Form 10, etc.) has been declared effective by the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance. The company can now proceed with selling securities to the public (IPO, secondary offering, etc.), merging with another company, or completing a business combination. EFFECT filings appear on EDGAR when the SEC declares a registration statement effective, which can happen automatically (automatic shelf registration), after a review process (non-automatic registration), or upon request by the issuer (accelerated registration).

Filings Triggering EFFECT Notices

Form TypePurpose
S-1IPO registration statement for U.S. companies.
S-3, S-3ASRFollow-on and shelf offerings for public companies.
S-4Securities issued for M&A transactions.
S-8Employee stock compensation plans registration.
F-1IPO registration statement for foreign issuers.
F-3, F-3ASRFollow-on offerings for foreign issuers.
F-4Cross-border M&A transactions.
Form 10Registers a company as a public reporting entity (without an IPO).


Prospectuses are filed with the SEC as part of a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933. They provide essential information about an offering to investors. The specific prospectus form filed depends on the stage of the offering and the type of changes made to the original filing.

Rule 424 Prospectus Filings

Form TypeWho Files It?Purpose
424AIssuers of registered securitiesPreliminary prospectus with estimated offering terms (filed before final pricing).
424B1Issuers in public offeringsFinal prospectus with all material information, including final pricing, before securities are sold.
424B2Issuers in structured or shelf offeringsUsed when substantive changes (like pricing or security terms) are made to a prior prospectus.
424B3Issuers updating or supplementing prior disclosuresFiled when a prospectus is revised due to new information, often related to business changes.
424B4Issuers conducting an IPOThe primary prospectus filed when an IPO's final terms, including pricing and underwriting, are set.
424B5Issuers in follow-on offerings (additional sales after IPO)Used for additional offerings under shelf registrations (S-3 filings).
424B7Issuers or selling shareholdersFiled when a secondary offering is conducted (existing shareholders selling shares, not the company).
424B8Issuers in limited offeringsA rarely used form for additional prospectus amendments.

Rule 497 Prospectus Filings

SEC Rule 497 governs the filing of prospectus supplements and amendments for investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. These filings are used to update information in mutual fund, ETF, and variable annuity prospectuses.

Form TypeWho Files It?Filing FrequencyContents
497 (General)Mutual funds, ETFs, investment companiesWhenever a prospectus supplement or amendment is neededGeneral updates to a fund prospectus, including risk disclosures, fee changes, and investment policy updates.
497K (Summary Prospectus)Mutual funds, ETFsFiled when issuing or updating a summary prospectusA short-form summary prospectus, including investment objectives, fees, risks, and past performance.
497J (Certification)Investment companiesFiled instead of 497 when no material changes are madeCertifies that no changes were made to the prospectus that would require SEC review.
497VPI (Variable Product Initial)Insurance companies offering variable annuities or life insuranceFiled before distributing a variable insurance prospectusInitial prospectus for variable annuity or life insurance contracts.
497VPU (Variable Product Update)Insurance companiesFiled when updating a variable product prospectusUpdates to a variable annuity or life insurance prospectus (e.g., new investment options, fee changes).

Other Prospectus Filings

Form TypeWho Files It?Purpose
F-3ASR / F-3MEFForeign private issuersProspectuses filed for foreign issuers under Form F-3, often for shelf registrations.
FWP (Free Writing Prospectus)Issuers, underwriters, or investment banksUsed for marketing materials that supplement the prospectus (e.g., roadshow presentations).
S-3ASR / S-3MEFLarge public issuersProspectus supplements under Form S-3 for automatic shelf registrations.

Late Filing Notifications

Late filing notifications are filed with the SEC when a company is unable to submit a required periodic report on time. These notifications are filed under Rule 12b-25 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Form TypeWho Files It?PurposeExtension Period
NT 10-KPublic companies required to file Form 10-KNotifies the SEC of a late annual report (10-K) and requests an extension15 days
NT 10-QPublic companies required to file Form 10-QNotifies the SEC of a late quarterly report (10-Q) and requests an extension5 days
NT 20-FForeign private issuers required to file Form 20-FNotifies the SEC of a late annual report (20-F) for foreign issuers15 days
NT 11-KCompanies with employee benefit plansNotifies the SEC of a late Form 11-K, which reports employee stock purchase plans & retirement plans15 days
NT 10-DIssuers of asset-backed securities (ABS)Notifies the SEC of a late Form 10-D, which reports distributions and performance of ABS (e.g., mortgage-backed securities)No set extension, must file ASAP
NT 15D2Issuers with reporting obligations under Section 15(d)Notifies the SEC of a late suspension of reporting obligations under Rule 15d-2 (typically applies to issuers who no longer meet reporting thresholds)No set extension, must file ASAP
Registered investment companiesNotifies the SEC of a late Form N-CEN, which provides census-type data about fundsNo set extension, must file ASAP
Registered investment companiesNotifies the SEC of a late Form N-CSR, which reports annual/semi-annual shareholder reportsNo set extension, must file ASAP

Form 8-K: Material Event Disclosure Items

Form 8-K is used to disclose 30+ types of material events, such as acquisitions, executive changes, financial results, and notices of delistings. Companies must file an 8-K filing within 4 business days of the triggering event.

Item IDTriggering Material EventContent
Section 1 - Business and Operations
1.01Entry into a Material Definitive AgreementDetails of major contracts (e.g., M&A agreements, joint ventures, credit facilities).
1.02Termination of a Material Definitive AgreementReason for termination and its impact on the company.
1.03Bankruptcy or ReceivershipBankruptcy filing, receivership appointment, court documents.
1.04Mine SafetyMine closures, safety violations, and patterns of violations.
1.05Material Cybersecurity IncidentsCybersecurity breaches or attacks.
Section 2 - Financial Information
2.01Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of AssetsDetails of the acquisition or sale of major assets, including terms and financial impact.
2.02Results of Operations and Financial ConditionEarnings releases or significant financial updates (not required if already included in a 10-Q or 10-K).
2.03Creation of a Direct Financial ObligationDisclosure of new loans, credit agreements, or other significant debt obligations.
2.04Triggering Events that Accelerate Financial ObligationsEvents causing a loan default, breach of contract, or acceleration of debt payments.
2.05Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal ActivitiesCosts and effects of restructuring, layoffs, or facility closures.
2.06Material ImpairmentsLarge asset write-downs or impairments (e.g., goodwill, inventory).
Section 3 - Securities and Trading Markets
3.01Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy Listing RulesCompany receiving a delisting notice from an exchange (NYSE, Nasdaq, etc.).
3.02Unregistered Sales of Equity SecuritiesSales of securities that were not registered under the Securities Act.
3.03Material Modifications to Rights of Security HoldersChanges to shareholder rights, dividends, or voting power.
Section 4 - Matters Related to Accountants and Financial Statements
4.01Changes in Registrant’s Certifying AccountantResignation or dismissal of auditors, including disagreements.
4.02Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial StatementsNotification that past financial statements should not be relied upon due to errors.
Section 5 - Corporate Governance and Management
5.01Changes in Control of RegistrantDisclosure of mergers, acquisitions, or major shareholder changes affecting control.
5.02Departure or Appointment of Directors or OfficersCEO, CFO, or director resignations, terminations, or new appointments and changes to compensation plans.
5.03Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or BylawsChanges to corporate governance documents (charter, bylaws).
5.04Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Employee Benefit PlansNotice of blackout periods for employee stock plans.
5.05Amendments to Code of EthicsChanges to corporate ethics policies for executives.
5.06Change in Shell Company StatusDisclosure that a company is or is no longer a shell company.
5.07Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security HoldersResults of shareholder votes at annual or special meetings.
5.08Shareholder Director NominationsNotice that a shareholder intends to nominate board members.
Section 6 -Asset-Backed Securities
6.01ABS Informational and Computational MaterialFor asset-backed securities (ABS) issuers reporting material computational data.
6.02Change of Servicer or Trustee for ABSDisclosure of changes to trustees or servicers managing ABS transactions.
6.03Change in Credit Enhancement or Other Support for ABSMaterial changes in credit support for ABS securities.
6.04Failure to Make a Required Distribution for ABSFailure to make required interest or principal payments on ABS.
6.05Securities Act Updating Disclosure for ABSUpdates related to asset-backed securities filings.
6.06Static PoolStatic pool information.
Section 7 - Regulation FD
7.01Regulation FD DisclosurePublic disclosures to comply with Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure Rule), such as earnings guidance, investor presentations, or conference call transcripts.
Section 8 - Other Events
8.01Other EventsUsed for material events that don’t fit into other categories.
Section 9 - Financial Statements and Exhibits
9.01Financial Statements and ExhibitsAttachments of financial statements, exhibits, and related documents.

Examples of Exhibit 99 Content in Form 8-K Filings

Exhibit 99 (additional information) is often included in Form 8-K filings to provide more context or details about the material event disclosed. Examples of Exhibit 99 content in Form 8-K filings include:

Private Company Filings

Private companies and startups file with the SEC to raise capital through private placements, crowdfunding, or Regulation A offerings.

Form TypeWho Files It?Content
Form D (Regulation D Private Offerings)Private companies, venture capital firms, hedge funds, private equity firms.- Issuer information (company details, industry, incorporation)
- Offering details (amount raised, securities type)
- Regulation exemption (Rule 506(b) or 506(c))
- Investor restrictions (accredited/non-accredited)
- Minimum investment required
- Use of proceeds
- Executive and promoter details
- Broker/compensation information
Form C (Regulation Crowdfunding Offerings)Startups and small businesses using crowdfunding platforms (e.g., Wefunder, Republic, StartEngine).- Issuer information (company name, industry, location)
- Offering terms (amount raised, share price, minimum investment)
- Use of proceeds
- Financial statements (self-certified, reviewed, or audited)
- Ownership and capital structure
- Investor limits (based on income/net worth)
- Funding portal (intermediary platform details)
- Risk factors
Form 1-A (Regulation A Offerings)Startups, small businesses, and companies raising capital (up to $75M) under Reg A (mini-IPO alternative).- Part I: Notification (issuer details, offering type, amount raised)
- Part II: Offering Circular (business overview, management, financial statements, risk factors, use of proceeds)
- Part III: Exhibits (legal documents, material contracts, auditor’s opinion)
- Tier 1 (up to $20M): Unaudited financials, SEC + state review
- Tier 2 (up to $75M): Audited financials, SEC-only review, investor restrictions

SEC Review Process

The SEC reviews registration statements, periodic reports, and other filings to ensure compliance with securities laws and regulations. When the SEC reviews a company's filing (e.g., S-1, 10-K, 10-Q, etc.), it communicates with the company via comment letters and receives responses from the company.

Filing TypeWho Files It?Purpose
UPLOAD (LETTER)SEC’s Division of Corporation FinanceSEC comment letter containing questions, requested clarifications, or revisions for a company’s filing.
CORRESPCompany (Issuer, Legal Counsel, or Accounting Firm)Company’s response to SEC’s UPLOAD, addressing comments, providing explanations, and submitting revised disclosures.