SEC Filings API is a platform that makes EDGAR filings and SEC data accessible and analyzable to everyone.
We offer many APIs to search, stream, parse, convert and download data and filings published by the SEC:
EDGAR Filing Search & Download- Filing Query API
- Full-Text Search API
- Filing Stream API
- Filing Download & PDF Generator API
- XBRL-to-JSON Converter API
- 10-K/10-Q/8-K Section Extractor API
- Insider Trading Data - Form 3, 4, 5
- Form 13F - Institutional Holdings & Cover Pages
- Form N-PORT - Mututal Fund & Investment Company Holdings
- Form 13D/13G - Activist & Passive Investor Ownership
- Form S-1/424B4 - Registration Statements & Prospectuses for IPOs, Debt & Rights Offerings, etc.
- Form D - Private Placements & Exempt Offerings
- Changes in Auditors & Accountants, and Reporting of Accounting Disagreements (Item 4.01)
- Financial Restatements & Non-Reliance on Prior Financial Results (Item 4.02)
- Changes in Directors, Officers and Compensation Plans (Item 5.02)
- Executive Compensation Data
- Directors & Board Members
- Company Subsidiaries
- Outstanding Shares & Public Float
- SEC Enforcement Actions
- SEC Litigation Releases
- SEC Administrative Proceedings
- Accounting & Auditing Enforcement Releases (AAERs)
- SRO Filings
We provide a petabyte-scale repository of all EDGAR filings and exhibits published by the SEC since 1993. Our platform includes over 800,000 EDGAR filers, 18 million filings, and more than 800 filing types, with new filings becoming available immediately upon release. All EDGAR filing entities are covered, including public companies, insiders, mutual funds, broker-dealers, asset-backed securities, business development companies, and more.
Filing Query API
The Query API allows you to search and filter all 18+ million filings and exhibits published on SEC EDGAR since 1993. The API accepts simple and complex filter expressions and returns filings in JSON format including all meta data, filer information, filing attachments, all URLs to the original SEC source, and many more. 13F holding information is also fully supported. The API supports over 20 search parameters, such as filer ticker symbols, CIKs, industries, filing types, SICs and many more.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Full-Text API
The Full-Text Search API is used to search the content of SEC filings and all filing attachments, such as exhibits. Single keyword search is supported as well as complex phrase search with boolean operators. The API returns filings and any other files including the search terms. The result is returned in JSON format.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Filing Stream API
The Stream API offers a live, real-time feed of newly published filings from the SEC EDGAR database, delivering these filings directly to your connected client the moment they are released.
This API utilizes push-based WebSocket technology for immediate data transmission. Upon establishing a connection, your client will start receiving updates on new filings in JSON format. The API is compatible with a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including Python, Node.js, Java, C, C#, C++, Go, and React, among others that support WebSocket clients.
For additional information and tutorials, please refer to our documentation here.
10-K/10-Q/8-K Section Extractor API
The Extractor API returns any section item from 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K filings, in cleaned and standardized text or HTML. You can programmatically extract one or multiple items from any 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K filing. An item is returned as clear-text or standardized HTML.
The API supports all 10-K form types including old fashioned TXT versions filed prior to 2003. Supported types include: 10-K/A, 10-KT/A, 10KSB, 10KSB/A, 10KT405, 10KT405/A, 10KSB40, 10KSB40/A, 10-K405, 10-K405/A, 10KSB, 10KSB.
Find more details in the documentation here.
XBRL-to-JSON Converter API
The XBRL-to-JSON Converter API parses, converts and standardizes any 10-K and 10-Q XBRL data into JSON format. All financial statements and all US GAAP elements can be accessed:
- Income statement (consolidated statement of operations)
- Balance sheet (consolidated statement of balance sheets)
- Cash flow statement (consolidated statement of cash flows)
- And more.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Filing Download & Render API
Use the Filing Download & Render API to download any filing, exhibit or any other attached file such as graphics, XML, XSD or TXT. The API returns the original data of the requested file or generates a PDF version.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Form ADV Investment Adviser API
The Investment Adviser & Form ADV API provides access to all current and historical Form ADV filings published by SEC- and state-registered investment advisor firms, as well as individual and exempt reporting advisers. The database goes back to the year 2000, covers more than 400,000 advisors, and includes the main filing content as well as Schedule A, Schedule B, and Schedule D.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Form 3/4/5 Insider Trading API
Accessing and searching insider trades as reported on Form 3, Form 4 and Form 5 is possible with the Insider Trading API. The API enables searching and retrieving the complete history of Form 3/4/5 filings in standardized JSON format. All derivative and non-derivative transactions as well as footnotes are included and any form parameter is searchable.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Form 13F Institutional Ownership API
Portfolio holdings of institutional investment managers as disclosed in quarterly Form 13F filings are available through the 13F Institutional Ownership API. The API returns all portfolio holding information, such as the CUSIP, ticker, number of shares held, dollar value of each position in the portfolio, and more per fund, in standardized JSON format.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Form 13D/13G Ownership Reports API
Standardized JSON-formatted content of Form 13D and Form 13G filings is available through the Form 13D/13G Ownership Reports API. The API provides access to all beneficial ownership reports filed by institutional investors, hedge funds, and other major shareholders, including the name of the issuer, the type of security, the date of the event, the total amount of securities beneficially owned, and more.
Find more details in the documentation here.
Form D Private Security Offering API
The API provides access to private capital offerings as disclosed in Form D filings. All Form D filings are made available in standardized JSON format, including the issuer, the type of security offered, the date of first sale, the total offering amount, and more.
Find more details in the documentation here.
CIK/CUSIP/Ticker Mapping API
The CIK/CUSIP/Ticker Mapping API maps a given CIK, ticker or CUSIP to its corresponding entity, including its ticker, CUSIP, CIK and company name, and provides a list of all stocks (listed and delisted) traded on U.S. exchanges, such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.
Find more details in the documentation here.