Extract Counterparties of Swap Derivatives from N-PORT Filings
On this page:
In this tutorial, we will be using Python to extract the counterparties of swap derivatives that are disclosed in SEC Form N-PORT filings. Specifically, we will utilize the FormNportApi
module from the sec-api
Python package to access and filter all N-PORT filings published on SEC EDGAR. The get_data(search_query)
function enables us to search the N-PORT database using any N-PORT form field.
It is worth noting that all N-PORT filings are already converted into JSON, so there is no need for XML to JSON conversion. Before we delve into the code, we will first examine an N-PORT XML example to identify where the names and LEIs of all counterparties can be found.
N-PORT Example
We will be using the following example filing to illustrate our process:
This is the filing details page on SEC EDGAR, which displays three files: HTML, XML, and TXT. Our system has already converted the XML file to JSON and indexed the data in our database, which can be accessed and queried using the FormNportApi
. We use the Lucene query syntax as the search language.
The process involves two steps. First, we search for all N-PORT filings that include swap derivatives using the following search query:
The invstOrSecs
array of an N-PORT filing includes objects representing all the securities disclosed by the filer. It contains the information disclosed in "Part C - Schedule of Portfolio Investments" of Form N-PORT. Each object has multiple fields, including "Item C.11 - Derivatives" represented by derivativeInfo
. This field also represents an object, which varies based on the derivative type. For swaps, the swapDeriv
field represents an object that contains various fields, including counterparties
(the information we are interested in), settlementDt
(the settlement date), and derivCat
(the derivative category).
The search expression matches and returns all N-PORT filings that have SWP
as the value in the invstOrSecs.derivativeInfo.swapDeriv.derivCat
Below is an illustration of a snippet from the original XML file and the corresponding converted JSON data.
XML Example | XML Converted To JSON |
![]() | ![]() |
The documentation outlining all N-PORT form fields is available here.
Extract Counterparties from a Single N-PORT Filing
Before we start, replace YOUR_API_KEY
in the next cell with the API key shown in your account profile on https://sec-api.io.
!pip install -q sec-api
from sec_api import FormNportApi
nportApi = FormNportApi(API_KEY)
search_query = {
"query": "invstOrSecs.derivativeInfo.swapDeriv.derivCat:SWP AND filedAt:[2023-01-01 TO 2023-04-01]",
# offset or starting point for search results
"from": "0",
# number of filings returned per search request
"size": "10",
# sort result by the filedAt field, start with the most recently filed filing
"sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
response = nportApi.get_data(search_query)
The response
object comprises two fields: total
and filings
. The total
field holds the total number of filings that match our search criteria, while filings
represents an array of filings themselves. Each N-PORT filing is represented as an object that includes all XML tags and attributes converted to JSON equivalents.
Before we continue, we define a small helper function to print a more readable version of JSON data.
# Prettyprint JSON
def pprint(item):
import json
print(json.dumps(item, indent=2))
Let's access all counterparties mentioned in the swap sections of a single filing.
swaps = []
sample_filing = response["filings"][1]
for investment in sample_filing["invstOrSecs"]:
if "derivativeInfo" in investment \
and "swapDeriv" in investment["derivativeInfo"] \
and investment["derivativeInfo"]["swapDeriv"]["derivCat"] == "SWP":
print("First 3 swap derivatives and their counterparties:")
First 3 swap derivatives and their counterparties:
"counterparties": [
"counterpartyName": "Goldman Sachs International",
"counterpartyLei": "W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528"
"descRefInstrmnt": {
"otherRefInst": {
"issuerName": "N/A",
"issueTitle": "N/A"
"swapFlag": "Y",
"fixedRecDesc": {
"amount": 0,
"curCd": "MYR",
"fixedOrFloating": "Fixed",
"fixedRt": 3.73
"floatingPmntDesc": {
"rtResetTenors": {
"rtResetTenor": [
"rateTenor": "Month",
"rateTenorUnit": "3",
"resetDt": "Month",
"resetDtUnit": "3"
"curCd": "MYR",
"fixedOrFloating": "Floating",
"floatingRtIndex": "Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offer Rate 3 Months",
"floatingRtSpread": 0,
"pmntAmt": 0
"terminationDt": "2028-03-15",
"upfrontPmnt": 0,
"pmntCurCd": "MYR",
"upfrontRcpt": 0,
"rcptCurCd": "MYR",
"notionalAmt": 16700000,
"curCd": "MYR",
"unrealizedAppr": 33579.7,
"derivCat": "SWP"
"counterparties": [
"counterpartyName": "Citibank N.A.",
"counterpartyLei": "E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76"
"descRefInstrmnt": {
"otherRefInst": {
"issuerName": "N/A",
"issueTitle": "N/A"
"swapFlag": "Y",
"fixedRecDesc": {
"amount": 2164964.09,
"curCd": "THB",
"fixedOrFloating": "Fixed",
"fixedRt": 1.87
"floatingPmntDesc": {
"rtResetTenors": {
"rtResetTenor": [
"rateTenor": "Month",
"rateTenorUnit": "6",
"resetDt": "Month",
"resetDtUnit": "6"
"curCd": "THB",
"fixedOrFloating": "Floating",
"floatingRtIndex": "Thai Baht Interest Rate Fixing 6 Months",
"floatingRtSpread": 0,
"pmntAmt": -939771.46
"terminationDt": "2023-03-27",
"upfrontPmnt": 0,
"pmntCurCd": "THB",
"upfrontRcpt": 0,
"rcptCurCd": "THB",
"notionalAmt": 330000000,
"curCd": "THB",
"unrealizedAppr": 18036.54,
"derivCat": "SWP"
"counterparties": [
"counterpartyName": "LCH Limited",
"counterpartyLei": "F226TOH6YD6XJB17KS62"
"descRefInstrmnt": {
"otherRefInst": {
"issuerName": "N/A",
"issueTitle": "N/A"
"swapFlag": "Y",
"fixedRecDesc": {
"amount": 355725,
"curCd": "THB",
"fixedOrFloating": "Fixed",
"fixedRt": 1.96
"floatingPmntDesc": {
"rtResetTenors": {
"rtResetTenor": [
"rateTenor": "Day",
"rateTenorUnit": "1",
"resetDt": "Month",
"resetDtUnit": "3"
"curCd": "THB",
"fixedOrFloating": "Floating",
"floatingRtIndex": "Thai Overnight Repurchase Rate",
"floatingRtSpread": 0,
"pmntAmt": -225376.88
"terminationDt": "2027-08-19",
"upfrontPmnt": 0,
"pmntCurCd": "THB",
"upfrontRcpt": 0,
"rcptCurCd": "THB",
"notionalAmt": 93000000,
"curCd": "THB",
"unrealizedAppr": -20048.39,
"derivCat": "SWP"
Let's import the JSON data into a pandas DataFrame.
# display 40 columns per DataFrame output in notebook
from google.colab.data_table import DataTable
DataTable.max_columns = 40
import pandas as pd
swaps_df = pd.json_normalize(swaps)
counterparties | swapFlag | terminationDt | upfrontPmnt | pmntCurCd | upfrontRcpt | rcptCurCd | notionalAmt | curCd | unrealizedAppr | ... | fixedPmntDesc.fixedRt | descRefInstrmnt.indexBasketInfo.indexName | descRefInstrmnt.indexBasketInfo.indexIdentifier | otherPmntDesc.value | otherPmntDesc.fixedOrFloating | amtCurSold | curSold | amtCurPur | curPur | settlementDt | |
0 | [{'counterpartyName': 'Goldman Sachs International', 'counterpartyLei': 'W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528'}] | Y | 2028-03-15 | 0.0 | MYR | 0.0 | MYR | 1.670000e+07 | MYR | 33579.70 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | [{'counterpartyName': 'Citibank N.A.', 'counterpartyLei': 'E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76'}] | Y | 2023-03-27 | 0.0 | THB | 0.0 | THB | 3.300000e+08 | THB | 18036.54 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | [{'counterpartyName': 'LCH Limited', 'counterpartyLei': 'F226TOH6YD6XJB17KS62'}] | Y | 2027-08-19 | 0.0 | THB | 0.0 | THB | 9.300000e+07 | THB | -20048.39 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | [{'counterpartyName': 'Bank of America N.A.', 'counterpartyLei': 'B4TYDEB6GKMZO031MB27'}] | Y | 2023-02-27 | 0.0 | COP | 0.0 | COP | 6.700000e+10 | COP | 187180.18 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | [{'counterpartyName': 'Chicago Mercantile Exchange', 'counterpartyLei': 'SNZ2OJLFK8MNNCLQOF39'}] | Y | 2025-11-26 | 0.0 | COP | 0.0 | COP | 1.207920e+10 | COP | 383305.60 | ... | 4.55 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 44 columns
The following code generates a list of names and LEIs of all counterparties and removes any duplicate entries.
counterparty_list = []
# loop through each row in the dataframe and extract the name and lei values
for i, row in swaps_df.iterrows():
for cp in row['counterparties']:
counterparty_dict = {'name': cp['counterpartyName'], 'lei': cp['counterpartyLei']}
# create a new dataframe from the list of dictionaries
counterparties = pd.DataFrame(counterparty_list, columns=['name', 'lei'])
# drop duplicate rows based on the combination of 'name' and 'lei' columns
counterparties = counterparties.drop_duplicates(subset=['name', 'lei'])
print('Swap counterparties of {}'.format(sample_filing['genInfo']['regName']))
Swap counterparties of Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio
name | lei | |
0 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
1 | Citibank N.A. | E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 |
2 | LCH Limited | F226TOH6YD6XJB17KS62 |
3 | Bank of America N.A. | B4TYDEB6GKMZO031MB27 |
4 | Chicago Mercantile Exchange | SNZ2OJLFK8MNNCLQOF39 |
5 | Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. | 5493000F4ZO33MV32P92 |
26 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
59 | Deutsche Bank AG | 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86 |
113 | JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
138 | Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. | MBNUM2BPBDO7JBLYG310 |
145 | BNP Paribas SA | R0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P83 |
161 | Standard Chartered Bank | RILFO74KP1CM8P6PCT96 |
202 | DUMMY BROKER | N/A |
Extracting Counterparties from All N-PORT Filings of 2020
Our next step is to compile a list of all counterparties mentioned in the swap sections of N-PORT filings filed in 2020. We chose this year because it contains 387 filings with swap derivatives, resulting in a much faster downloading process compared to later years where the number of filings exceeds 6,000 per year. Based on an average API response size of 2.5 MB for 10 filings, we estimate that we will need just under 1 GB of JSON data to analyze the 387 filings from 2020. In contrast, 6,000 filings would result in approximately 15 GB of data.
| Year | # of Filings with Swaps | -- | -- | | 2020 | 387 | | 2021 | 6199 | | 2022 | 6301 |
The updated Lucene search query looks like this:
invstOrSecs.derivativeInfo.swapDeriv.derivCat:SWP AND filedAt:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-12-31]
def extract_counterparties(filing):
swaps_list = []
for investment in filing["invstOrSecs"]:
if "derivativeInfo" in investment \
and "swapDeriv" in investment["derivativeInfo"] \
and investment["derivativeInfo"]["swapDeriv"]["derivCat"] == "SWP":
swaps_df = pd.json_normalize(swaps_list)
counterparty_list = []
# loop through each row in the dataframe and extract the name and lei values
for i, row in swaps_df.iterrows():
for cp in row['counterparties']:
counterparty_dict = {
'fundName': filing['genInfo']['regName'],
'fundLei': filing['genInfo']['regLei'],
'fundCik': filing['genInfo']['regCik'],
'counterparytName': cp['counterpartyName'],
'counterpartyLei': cp['counterpartyLei']
# create a new dataframe from the list of dictionaries
counterparties = pd.DataFrame(counterparty_list, columns=['fundName',
# drop duplicate rows based on the combination of 'name' and 'lei' columns
counterparties = counterparties.drop_duplicates(subset=['counterparytName', 'counterpartyLei'])
counterparties.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return counterparties
result = extract_counterparties(sample_filing)
fundName | fundLei | fundCik | counterparytName | counterpartyLei | |
0 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
1 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Citibank N.A. | E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 |
2 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | LCH Limited | F226TOH6YD6XJB17KS62 |
3 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Bank of America N.A. | B4TYDEB6GKMZO031MB27 |
4 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Chicago Mercantile Exchange | SNZ2OJLFK8MNNCLQOF39 |
5 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. | 5493000F4ZO33MV32P92 |
6 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
7 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Deutsche Bank AG | 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86 |
8 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
9 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. | MBNUM2BPBDO7JBLYG310 |
10 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | BNP Paribas SA | R0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P83 |
11 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Standard Chartered Bank | RILFO74KP1CM8P6PCT96 |
12 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | DUMMY BROKER | N/A |
def get_all_counterparties():
all_counterparties = None
has_more_filings = True
filing_counter = 0
search_from = 0
search_size = 10
while has_more_filings:
search_query = {
"query": "invstOrSecs.derivativeInfo.swapDeriv.derivCat:SWP AND filedAt:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-12-31]",
# offset or starting point for search results
"from": search_from,
# number of filings returned per search request
"size": search_size,
# sort result by the filedAt field, start with the most recently filed filing
"sort": [{ "filedAt": { "order": "desc" } }]
response = nportApi.get_data(search_query)
if len(response['filings']) == 0:
for filing in response['filings']:
result = extract_counterparties(filing)
if all_counterparties is None:
all_counterparties = result
all_counterparties = pd.concat([all_counterparties, result], ignore_index=True)
filing_counter += len(response['filings'])
if filing_counter % 100 == 0:
print('{} filings downloaded'.format(filing_counter))
search_from += search_size
all_counterparties.drop_duplicates(subset=['fundLei', 'counterparytName', 'counterpartyLei'], inplace=True)
all_counterparties.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
print('Done. {} filings downloaded'.format(filing_counter))
return all_counterparties
all_counterparties = get_all_counterparties()
100 filings downloaded
200 filings downloaded
300 filings downloaded
Done. 387 filings downloaded
fundName | fundLei | fundCik | counterparytName | counterpartyLei | |
0 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | LCH.Clearnet LLC | WAM6YERMS7OXFZUOY219 |
1 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
2 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | CME Group Inc | LCZ7XYGSLJUHFXXNXD88 |
3 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc | SNZ2OJLFK8MNNCLQOF39 |
4 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | Intercontinental Exchange Inc | 5493000F4ZO33MV32P92 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
809 | DFA INVESTMENT DIMENSIONS GROUP INC | 549300XGRTBJCE41BD26 | 0000355437 | Citigroup Global Markets Inc. | MBNUM2BPBDO7JBLYG310 |
810 | DFA INVESTMENT DIMENSIONS GROUP INC | 549300XGRTBJCE41BD26 | 0000355437 | Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft | 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86 |
811 | DFA INVESTMENT DIMENSIONS GROUP INC | 549300XGRTBJCE41BD26 | 0000355437 | Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated | 8NAV47T0Y26Q87Y0QP81 |
812 | NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS | 54930087F7MMJ21RIJ90 | 0000723620 | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association | 7H6GLXDRUGQFU57RNE97 |
813 | NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS | 54930087F7MMJ21RIJ90 | 0000723620 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
814 rows × 5 columns
From the 814 combinations of fund names and their counterparties extracted from 2020 N-PORT filings, we complete our tutorial with some examples showing how to filter and analyze the dataset.
Let's say we want to find all funds that use UBS Switzerland (LEI: 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22) as counterparty to their swap derivatives.
print('Funds that use UBS Switzerland as counterparty to their swaps:')
Funds that use UBS Switzerland as counterparty to their swaps:
fundName | fundLei | fundCik | counterparytName | counterpartyLei | |
616 | ABERDEEN GLOBAL INCOME FUND INC | 549300V7ZDFLSK6WD203 | 0000876717 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
621 | ABERDEEN ASIA-PACIFIC INCOME FUND INC | 549300J666ZH67203572 | 0000790500 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
740 | Global Macro Absolute Return Advantage Portfolio | NKY7JRBKJHQQ68KJ6252 | 0001493214 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
752 | Global Macro Capital Opportunities Portfolio | 549300SKGAQ18F9L3O15 | 0001588812 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
767 | Global Macro Portfolio | XY6HWOQF1NBIQHYB7D92 | 0000918706 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
If we want to find all funds that use any UBS entity as counterparty, not only UBS Switzerland, we can broaden our search using the .str.contains()
function to look for any appearance of the term UBS
in the counterpartyName
print('Funds that use an UBS entity as counterparty to their swaps:')
Funds that use an UBS entity as counterparty to their swaps:
fundName | fundLei | fundCik | counterparytName | counterpartyLei | |
28 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
34 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | UBS Securities LLC | T6FIZBDPKLYJKFCRVK44 |
109 | ProFunds | 549300HM4OOUYSE5DP77 | 0001039803 | UBS SECURITIES LLC | T6FIZBDPKLYJKFCRVK44 |
114 | FINANCIAL INVESTORS TRUST | 549300XD6LCPI5YWPZ35 | 0000915802 | UBS Group AG | N/A |
162 | BlackRock Funds | 549300OZUEVJZHOBFP42 | 0000844779 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
210 | Direxion Shares ETF Trust | 549300M501IVJM50FG12 | 0001424958 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
299 | Credit Suisse Commodity Strategy Funds | 549300KFU6FOOSD82072 | 0001291446 | UBS | N/A |
432 | John Hancock Investment Trust | 549300WRGYBW55IKGU23 | 0000022370 | UBS SECURITIES LLC | N/A |
616 | ABERDEEN GLOBAL INCOME FUND INC | 549300V7ZDFLSK6WD203 | 0000876717 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
621 | ABERDEEN ASIA-PACIFIC INCOME FUND INC | 549300J666ZH67203572 | 0000790500 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
673 | Putnam Funds Trust | 549300S9JYWEMKQCLW53 | 0001005942 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
688 | Morningstar Funds Trust | 254900AE65UZA65M0T82 | 0001699360 | UBS WARBURG LLC | N/A |
740 | Global Macro Absolute Return Advantage Portfolio | NKY7JRBKJHQQ68KJ6252 | 0001493214 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
752 | Global Macro Capital Opportunities Portfolio | 549300SKGAQ18F9L3O15 | 0001588812 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
767 | Global Macro Portfolio | XY6HWOQF1NBIQHYB7D92 | 0000918706 | UBS Switzerland AG | 549300WOIFUSNYH0FL22 |
782 | Fidelity Oxford Street Trust | Z2ZIGDKL3355UQRAKY22 | 0000028540 | UBS AG | BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50 |
Now let's compare this to the number of funds that use Goldman Sachs as their counterparty.
print('Funds that use Goldman Sachs as counterparty to their swaps:')
all_counterparties[(all_counterparties['counterpartyLei']=='FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30') | (all_counterparties['counterparytName'].str.contains('Goldman'))]
Funds that use Goldman Sachs as counterparty to their swaps:
fundName | fundLei | fundCik | counterparytName | counterpartyLei | |
1 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
18 | AIM International Mutual Funds (Invesco International Mutual Funds) | 549300CGSTEJJ7H1ET84 | 0000880859 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
20 | Invesco Securities Trust | 549300D73HZMJHRYEH02 | 0001560704 | Goldman Sachs Bank USA | KD3XUN7C6T14HNAYLU02 |
25 | AIM Investment Funds (Invesco Investment Funds) | Y5W0BJB7U2X9V6NIC803 | 0000826644 | Goldman Sachs Bank USA | KD3XUN7C6T14HNAYLU02 |
64 | PACE SELECT ADVISORS TRUST | 549300TPB2UX3QR3SC50 | 0000930007 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
65 | PACE SELECT ADVISORS TRUST | 549300TPB2UX3QR3SC50 | 0000930007 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
85 | Hartford Funds Exchange-Traded Trust | 549300IA3XO4BB2LUL19 | 0001501825 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
96 | HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS INC/CT | 549300FJ4Q3QXIS6ZN84 | 0001006415 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
103 | HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS INC/CT | 549300FJ4Q3QXIS6ZN84 | 0001006415 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
159 | BlackRock Funds | 549300OZUEVJZHOBFP42 | 0000844779 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
190 | iShares Trust | 5493000860OXIC4B5K91 | 0001100663 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
204 | TRANSAMERICA FUNDS | 54930088ZHZE1VMYEY52 | 0000787623 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
238 | Carillon Series Trust | 549300RNYMX90LFTNW23 | 0000897111 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
250 | American Century International Bond Funds | 549300QZXI44OOTBJE66 | 0000880268 | Goldman Sachs | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
273 | Eaton Vance Series Fund, Inc | 549300R49JD3NSE34I86 | 0001552324 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
284 | EATON VANCE MUTUAL FUNDS TRUST | 549300C67AFHZKODE756 | 0000745463 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
288 | CREDIT SUISSE OPPORTUNITY FUNDS | 5493002UZ4JX82OVKQ12 | 0000946110 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
304 | Credit Suisse Commodity Strategy Funds | 549300KFU6FOOSD82072 | 0001291446 | Goldman Sachs | N/A |
338 | MFS SERIES TRUST XV | 549300YI4S4U2N712160 | 0000764719 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
372 | BlackRock Funds IV | 549300PC6HXHVNYAKJ59 | 0001738074 | Goldman Sachs Bank | KD3XUN7C6T14HNAYLU02 |
375 | BlackRock Funds IV | 549300PC6HXHVNYAKJ59 | 0001738074 | Goldman Sachs | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
391 | BlackRock Funds | 549300OZUEVJZHOBFP42 | 0000844779 | Goldman Sachs | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
403 | Managed Account Series II | 549300WCPAZ0Y468K362 | 0001738079 | Goldman Sachs | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
443 | BrandywineGLOBAL-Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc. | 549300P4CDQCJBGI0833 | 0001504545 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
456 | Virtus Alternative Solutions Trust | 549300LL1U2Z63VKA167 | 0001589756 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
478 | Western Asset Funds Inc | 5493004NC00X8WKL1P34 | 0000863520 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
521 | Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc. | 549300X4XNCFYMTTNX09 | 0000793159 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
619 | Aberdeen Funds | 549300U001OCRSJJXY43 | 0001413594 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
675 | Morningstar Funds Trust | 254900AE65UZA65M0T82 | 0001699360 | GOLDMAN SACHS NEW YORK | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
685 | Morningstar Funds Trust | 254900AE65UZA65M0T82 | 0001699360 | GOLDMAN SACHS AND CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
695 | International Income Portfolio | 4DW003P2NT3VNILVWA58 | 0001394396 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
700 | Global Opportunities Portfolio | 732CSYB5YI2A4VM2EI15 | 0001475712 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
711 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
713 | Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio | TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550 | 0001394395 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
730 | Global Macro Absolute Return Advantage Portfolio | NKY7JRBKJHQQ68KJ6252 | 0001493214 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
732 | Global Macro Absolute Return Advantage Portfolio | NKY7JRBKJHQQ68KJ6252 | 0001493214 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
747 | EATON VANCE SPECIAL INVESTMENT TRUST | 5493003X08Y3GH1CDY86 | 0000031266 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
756 | Global Macro Portfolio | XY6HWOQF1NBIQHYB7D92 | 0000918706 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
757 | Global Macro Portfolio | XY6HWOQF1NBIQHYB7D92 | 0000918706 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
774 | Eaton Vance Short Duration Diversified Income Fund | HAXBNTSIUT2SHF0XLJ46 | 0001287498 | Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
788 | Calamos Investment Trust/IL | 3MM2UW658H6KOU4WEW86 | 0000826732 | GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC | FOR8UP27PHTHYVLBNG30 |
813 | NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS | 54930087F7MMJ21RIJ90 | 0000723620 | Goldman Sachs International | W22LROWP2IHZNBB6K528 |
Extracting the Address & Phone Number of Funds
If you are looking to extract the fund's address, phone number and series information such as series name, LEI and series ID, the following code will help you.
Such information can be found inside the genInfo
element of the N-PORT XML file. The same information is located in the genInfo
object of the JSON-converted data, as illustrated in the comparison below.
XML Example | XML Converted to JSON |
![]() | ![]() |
print("Address, phone number and other general fund information:")
Address, phone number and other general fund information:
"regName": "Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio",
"regFileNumber": "811-22048",
"regCik": "0001394395",
"regLei": "TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550",
"regCity": "BOSTON",
"regStateConditional": {
"regCountry": "US",
"regState": "US-MA"
"regZipOrPostalCode": "02110",
"regPhone": "617-482-8260",
"seriesName": "Emerging Markets Local Income Portfolio",
"seriesId": "S000017994",
"seriesLei": "TJHVIYYZOASBZ463H550",
"repPdEnd": "2023-10-31",
"repPdDate": "2023-01-31",
"isFinalFiling": "N"