EDGAR Entities Database API

The EDGAR Entities API provides search access to a database of all entities that have filed with the SEC through the EDGAR system since 1994. The database includes all filing entity types, also known as registrants, including operating companies (e.g., publicly listed companies), investment managers, business development companies, and more. The API provides various data points about each entity, including their respective update timestamps, such as:

  • Central Index Key (CIK)
  • Entity Name
  • Business and Mailing Address
  • State of Incorporation
  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
  • Fiscal Year-End
  • Phone Number
  • IRS/EIN Number
  • Auditor Details: Name, firm ID, and location
  • Latest ICFR Auditor Attestation Date and Source Filing
  • Filer Category: Large accelerated filer, non-accelerated filer, etc.
  • Extended Categories: Small business, emerging growth company, well-known seasoned issuer, etc.
  • And more
Example: EDGAR Entity Information
1 {
2 "cik": "1318605",
3 "cikUpdatedAt": "2005-02-23T11:38:36-05:00",
4 "name": "Tesla, Inc.",
5 "nameUpdatedAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
6 "businessAddress": {
7 "street1": "3500 DEER CREEK RD",
8 "street2": null,
9 "city": "PALO ALTO",
10 "state": "CA",
11 "zip": "94304",
12 "country": ""
13 },
14 "businessAddressUpdatedAt": "2018-02-20T21:18:42-05:00",
15 "mailingAddress": {
16 "street1": "3500 DEER CREEK RD",
17 "street2": null,
18 "city": "PALO ALTO",
19 "state": "CA",
20 "zip": "94304",
21 "country": ""
22 },
23 "mailingAddressUpdatedAt": "2018-02-20T21:18:42-05:00",
24 "irsNo": "912197729",
25 "irsNoUpdatedAt": "2009-04-09T15:30:06-04:00",
26 "stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
27 "stateOfIncorporationUpdatedAt": "2009-04-09T15:30:06-04:00",
28 "phone": "650-681-5000",
29 "phoneUpdatedAt": "2010-10-29T12:35:46-04:00",
30 "sic": "3711",
31 "sicUpdatedAt": "2010-01-29T16:16:56-05:00",
32 "sicLabel": "3711 Motor Vehicles & Passenger Car Bodies",
33 "sicLabelUpdatedAt": "2024-01-02T16:29:17-05:00",
34 "cfOffice": "04 Manufacturing",
35 "cfOfficeUpdatedAt": "2024-04-01T18:57:33-04:00",
36 "currentReportingStatus": true,
37 "currentReportingStatusUpdatedAt": "2024-10-23T20:42:47-04:00",
38 "interactiveDataCurrent": true,
39 "interactiveDataCurrentUpdatedAt": "2024-10-23T20:42:47-04:00",
40 "wellKnownSeasonedIssuer": false,
41 "wellKnownSeasonedIssuerUpdatedAt": "2024-04-02T16:47:22-04:00",
42 "voluntaryFiler": false,
43 "voluntaryFilerUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
44 "filerCategory": "Large Accelerated Filer",
45 "filerCategoryUpdatedAt": "2012-02-27T17:17:24-05:00",
46 "smallBusiness": false,
47 "smallBusinessUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
48 "emergingGrowthCompany": false,
49 "emergingGrowthCompanyUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
50 "shellCompany": false,
51 "shellCompanyUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
52 "fiscalYearEnd": "1231",
53 "fiscalYearEndUpdatedAt": "2012-06-08T16:25:18-04:00",
54 "latestIcfrAuditFiledAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
55 "latestIcfrAuditFiledAtUpdatedAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
56 "latestIcfrAuditSource": "0001628280-24-002390",
57 "latestIcfrAuditSourceUpdatedAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
58 "auditorName": "PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP",
59 "auditorNameUpdatedAt": "2022-02-04T20:11:27-05:00",
60 "auditorFirmId": "238",
61 "auditorFirmIdUpdatedAt": "2022-02-04T20:11:27-05:00",
62 "auditorLocation": "San Jose, California",
63 "auditorLocationUpdatedAt": "2022-02-04T20:11:27-05:00",
64 "formTypes": {
65 "3": true,
66 "4": true,
67 "5": true,
68 "144": true,
69 "425": true,
70 "10-K": true,
71 "10-K/A": true,
72 "10-Q": true,
73 "3/A": true,
74 "4/A": true,
75 "424B3": true,
76 "424B4": true,
77 "424B5": true,
78 "5/A": true,
79 "8-A12B": true,
80 "8-K": true,
81 "8-K/A": true,
82 "ARS": true,
83 "CERTNAS": true,
84 "CORRESP": true,
85 "CT ORDER": true,
86 "D": true,
87 "DEF 14A": true,
88 "DEFA14A": true,
89 "EFFECT": true,
90 "FWP": true,
91 "LETTER": true,
92 "NO ACT": true,
93 "NT 10-K": true,
94 "POS AM": true,
95 "PRE 14A": true,
96 "PX14A6G": true,
97 "PX14A6N": true,
99 "REGDEX": true,
100 "REGDEX/A": true,
101 "S-1": true,
102 "S-1/A": true,
103 "S-3ASR": true,
104 "S-4": true,
105 "S-4/A": true,
106 "S-8": true,
107 "S-8 POS": true,
108 "SC 13G": true,
109 "SC 13G/A": true,
110 "SC TO-T": true,
111 "SC TO-T/A": true,
112 "SD": true
113 },
114 "formTypesUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T10:54:38-05:00"
115 }
Database Size:
Over 890,000 EDGAR filing entities from 1994 to the present.
Data Update Frequency:
Updated in real-time as new filings are submitted to the SEC.
Survivorship Bias-Free:
Yes, the database includes all entities that have filed with the SEC since 1994, including entities that are no longer active or have ceased filing.

API Endpoints

EDGAR entities are searchable through two API endpoints:

  1. GET Endpoint
    URL: https://api.sec-api.io/edgar-entities?cik=<cik>

    • Retrieves detailed information about an entity using its Central Index Key (CIK).
    • Response: A JSON object containing the entity's details.
  2. POST Endpoint
    URL: https://api.sec-api.io/edgar-entities

    • Allows searching for entities based on various criteria, such as name, address, auditor details, and more.
    • Payload: A JSON object containing the search parameters.
    • Response: A JSON array of entities matching the search criteria.

Both endpoints return the same data structure. The GET endpoint provides information about a single entity, while the POST endpoint supports more complex queries and returns information about multiple entities.


To authenticate API requests, use the API key available in your user profile. Utilize the API key in one of two ways. Choose the method that best fits your implementation:

  • Authorization Header: Set the API key as an Authorization header in the GET or POST request. For instance, before sending a POST request to https://api.sec-api.io/edgar-entities, ensure the header is set as follows: Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY
  • Query Parameter: Alternatively, append the API key directly to the URL as a query parameter. For example, when making GET requests, use the URL https://api.sec-api.io/edgar-entities?cik=<cik>&token=YOUR_API_KEY instead of the base API endpoint.

Request Parameters

GET Endpoint

The GET endpoint /edgar-entities?cik=<cik> accepts a single query parameter:

  • cik: The Central Index Key (CIK) of the entity for which information is being requested. The CIK is a unique identifier assigned to each entity filing with the SEC EDGAR system.

POST Endpoint

The POST endpoint /edgar-entities accepts a JSON payload containing search parameters to filter and query EDGAR entities. The payload fields are described below:

  • query (string): A search query string to filter EDGAR filing entities by fields such as cik, name, address, auditor, or any other response field. The query is written in the Lucene syntax, for example cik:1318605 to search by CIK or formTypes.10-K:true AND shellCompany:true to search for entities that have filed a 10-K filing and are shell companies. Supported features include: boolean operators (AND, OR,NOT), wildcards (*), nested queries (()), and range queries ( [min TO max]).
  • from (string|integer, optional): The starting index of the result set, used for pagination. Default: 0. Maximum: 10000. For example, "from": 50 returns the second page of results, "from": 100 retrieves the third page, and so on.
  • size (string|integer, optional): The number of entities to include in each response. Default: 50. Maximum: 50.
  • sort (array of objects, optional): Specifies the field and order for sorting results in the format [{ "<fieldName>": "<order>"}]. The default order [{ "cikUpdatedAt": "desc" }] sorts by the cikUpdatedAt field in descending order. Each object in the array includes:
    • <fieldName> (string): The field by which to sort.
    • <order> (string): Sorting order, either asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

Request Examples

GET Request:

GET https://api.sec-api.io/edgar-entities?cik=1318605

POST Request:

POST request to search for entities with the auditor "PwC" of firm ID "238", sorted by the latest ICFR audit date:

POST Request Example
1 {
2 "query": "latestIcfrAuditFiledAt:* AND auditorFirmId:238",
3 "from": 0,
4 "size": 50,
5 "sort": [{ "latestIcfrAuditFiledAtUpdatedAt": "desc" }]
6 }

Response Format

The EDGAR Entities API returns information about filer entities in JSON format. The response object includes the following fields:

  • total (object): An object with two fields:value (int) and relation (str). Thevalue field contains the total number of entities that match the search criteria, while the relation field indicates the relationship between the total count and the returned entities. Possible values for relation include eq (equal) andgte (greater than or equal).
  • data (array of objects): An array of JSON objects, each representing an entity that matches the search criteria. Each object contains various fields with information about the entity, such as CIK, name, address, auditor details, and more:
    • cik (str): The Central Index Key (CIK) of the entity. Leading zeros are removed, and the CIK is formatted as a string, e.g., "1769624".
    • name (str): The name of the entity.
    • businessAddress (object): An object containing the business address of the entity, with fields such as street1,street2, city, state,zip, and country.
    • mailingAddress (object): An object containing the mailing address of the entity, with fields such as street1,street2, city, state,zip, and country.
    • stateOfIncorporation (str): The state of incorporation of the entity, e.g., "DE" for Delaware.
    • phone (str): The phone number of the entity.
    • irsNo (str): The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax identification number of the entity, e.g., "981742455".
    • sic (str): The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code of the entity, e.g., "3576" for Computer Communications Equipment.
    • sicLabel (str): The label corresponding to the SIC code, e.g., "Computer Communications Equipment".
    • cfOffice (str): The Central Filing Office of the entity, e.g., "06 Technology".
    • fiscalYearEnd (str): Month and day marking the end of the entity's fiscal year in MMDD format, e.g., "1231" for December 31.
    • filerCategory (str): The filer category of the entity. Possible values include "Large Accelerated Filer", "Accelerated Filer" and "Non-accelerated Filer".
    • wellKnownSeasonedIssuer (bool): true if the entity is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. false otherwise.
    • voluntaryFiler (bool): true if the entity is not required to file. false otherwise.
    • smallBusiness (bool): true if the company is a Smaller Reporting Company (SRC).
    • emergingGrowthCompany (bool): true if the entity is an emerging growth company as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act. false otherwise.
    • shellCompany (bool): true if the entity is a shell company as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.false otherwise.
    • currentReportingStatus (bool): true if the entity has (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. false otherwise.
    • interactiveDataCurrent (bool): true if the entity has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).
    • latestIcfrAuditFiledAt (date): The date of the latest auditor attestation of the entity's internal control over financial reporting (ICFR). Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-04:00, eg2024-09-25T16:21:22-04:00.
    • latestIcfrAuditSource (str): The accession number of the filing that includes the latest ICFR auditor attestation.
    • auditorName (str): The name of the entity's auditor, e.g. "DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP".
    • auditorFirmId (str): The firm ID of the entity's auditor, e.g. "34".
    • auditorLocation (str): The location of the entity's auditor, e.g. "Seattle, Washington".
    • formTypes (object): An object containing all form types filed by the entity since its registration with the SEC, with fields such as { "10-K": true, "10-Q": true, ... }.

Each field within a data object has a corresponding<field>UpdatedAt field that indicates the timestamp of the last update to that specific field. For instance, nameUpdatedAt represents the timestamp of the most recent update to the entity's name.

Response Examples

GET Response Example

Response example for the GET request to /edgar-entities?cik=1318605:

GET Response Example
1 {
2 "total": {
3 "value": 1,
4 "relation": "eq"
5 },
6 "data": [
7 {
8 "id": "1318605",
9 "cik": "1318605",
10 "cikUpdatedAt": "2005-02-23T11:38:36-05:00",
11 "name": "Tesla, Inc.",
12 "nameUpdatedAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
13 "businessAddress": {
14 "street1": "3500 DEER CREEK RD",
15 "street2": null,
16 "city": "PALO ALTO",
17 "state": "CA",
18 "zip": "94304",
19 "country": ""
20 },
21 "businessAddressUpdatedAt": "2018-02-20T21:18:42-05:00",
22 "mailingAddress": {
23 "street1": "3500 DEER CREEK RD",
24 "street2": null,
25 "city": "PALO ALTO",
26 "state": "CA",
27 "zip": "94304",
28 "country": ""
29 },
30 "mailingAddressUpdatedAt": "2018-02-20T21:18:42-05:00",
31 "irsNo": "912197729",
32 "irsNoUpdatedAt": "2009-04-09T15:30:06-04:00",
33 "stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
34 "stateOfIncorporationUpdatedAt": "2009-04-09T15:30:06-04:00",
35 "phone": "650-681-5000",
36 "phoneUpdatedAt": "2010-10-29T12:35:46-04:00",
37 "sic": "3711",
38 "sicUpdatedAt": "2010-01-29T16:16:56-05:00",
39 "sicLabel": "3711 Motor Vehicles & Passenger Car Bodies",
40 "sicLabelUpdatedAt": "2024-01-02T16:29:17-05:00",
41 "cfOffice": "04 Manufacturing",
42 "cfOfficeUpdatedAt": "2024-04-01T18:57:33-04:00",
43 "currentReportingStatus": true,
44 "currentReportingStatusUpdatedAt": "2024-10-23T20:42:47-04:00",
45 "interactiveDataCurrent": true,
46 "interactiveDataCurrentUpdatedAt": "2024-10-23T20:42:47-04:00",
47 "wellKnownSeasonedIssuer": false,
48 "wellKnownSeasonedIssuerUpdatedAt": "2024-04-02T16:47:22-04:00",
49 "voluntaryFiler": false,
50 "voluntaryFilerUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
51 "filerCategory": "Large Accelerated Filer",
52 "filerCategoryUpdatedAt": "2012-02-27T17:17:24-05:00",
53 "smallBusiness": false,
54 "smallBusinessUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
55 "emergingGrowthCompany": false,
56 "emergingGrowthCompanyUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
57 "shellCompany": false,
58 "shellCompanyUpdatedAt": "2011-08-12T16:41:17-04:00",
59 "fiscalYearEnd": "1231",
60 "fiscalYearEndUpdatedAt": "2012-06-08T16:25:18-04:00",
61 "latestIcfrAuditFiledAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
62 "latestIcfrAuditFiledAtUpdatedAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
63 "latestIcfrAuditSource": "0001628280-24-002390",
64 "latestIcfrAuditSourceUpdatedAt": "2024-01-26T21:00:20-05:00",
65 "auditorName": "PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP",
66 "auditorNameUpdatedAt": "2022-02-04T20:11:27-05:00",
67 "auditorFirmId": "238",
68 "auditorFirmIdUpdatedAt": "2022-02-04T20:11:27-05:00",
69 "auditorLocation": "San Jose, California",
70 "auditorLocationUpdatedAt": "2022-02-04T20:11:27-05:00",
71 "formTypes": {
72 "3": true,
73 "4": true,
74 "5": true,
75 "144": true,
76 "425": true,
77 "10-K": true,
78 "10-K/A": true,
79 "10-Q": true,
80 "3/A": true,
81 "4/A": true,
82 "424B3": true,
83 "424B4": true,
84 "424B5": true,
85 "5/A": true,
86 "8-A12B": true,
87 "8-K": true,
88 "8-K/A": true,
89 "ARS": true,
90 "CERTNAS": true,
91 "CORRESP": true,
92 "CT ORDER": true,
93 "D": true,
94 "DEF 14A": true,
95 "DEFA14A": true,
96 "EFFECT": true,
97 "FWP": true,
98 "LETTER": true,
99 "NO ACT": true,
100 "NT 10-K": true,
101 "POS AM": true,
102 "PRE 14A": true,
103 "PX14A6G": true,
104 "PX14A6N": true,
106 "REGDEX": true,
107 "REGDEX/A": true,
108 "S-1": true,
109 "S-1/A": true,
110 "S-3ASR": true,
111 "S-4": true,
112 "S-4/A": true,
113 "S-8": true,
114 "S-8 POS": true,
115 "SC 13G": true,
116 "SC 13G/A": true,
117 "SC TO-T": true,
118 "SC TO-T/A": true,
119 "SD": true
120 },
121 "formTypesUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T10:54:38-05:00"
122 }
123 ]
124 }

POST Response Example

Response example for the POST request to search EDGAR registrants that have filed an ICFR audit and have PwC as their auditor, sorted by the latest ICFR audit date:

POST Request Example
1 {
2 "query": "latestIcfrAuditFiledAt:* AND auditorFirmId:238",
3 "from": 0,
4 "size": 50,
5 "sort": [{ "latestIcfrAuditFiledAtUpdatedAt": "desc" }]
6 }


POST Response Example
1 {
2 "total": {
3 "value": 569,
4 "relation": "eq"
5 },
6 "data": [
7 {
8 "id": "1314727",
9 "cik": "1314727",
10 "cikUpdatedAt": "2005-01-25T15:04:37-05:00",
11 "name": "Sonos Inc",
12 "nameUpdatedAt": "2023-04-04T18:29:22-04:00",
13 "businessAddress": {
14 "street1": "301 COROMAR DRIVE",
15 "street2": null,
16 "city": "SANTA BARBARA",
17 "state": "CA",
18 "zip": "93117",
19 "country": ""
20 },
21 "businessAddressUpdatedAt": "2024-05-06T12:47:24-04:00",
22 "mailingAddress": {
23 "street1": "301 COROMAR DRIVE",
24 "street2": null,
25 "city": "SANTA BARBARA",
26 "state": "CA",
27 "zip": "93117",
28 "country": ""
29 },
30 "mailingAddressUpdatedAt": "2024-05-06T12:47:24-04:00",
31 "irsNo": "030479476",
32 "irsNoUpdatedAt": "2010-03-22T14:48:01-04:00",
33 "stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
34 "stateOfIncorporationUpdatedAt": "2010-03-22T14:48:01-04:00",
35 "phone": "805-965-3001",
36 "phoneUpdatedAt": "2010-03-22T14:48:01-04:00",
37 "sic": "3651",
38 "sicUpdatedAt": "2018-01-18T11:13:55-05:00",
39 "sicLabel": "3651 Household Audio & Video Equipment",
40 "sicLabelUpdatedAt": "2018-01-18T11:13:55-05:00",
41 "cfOffice": "04 Manufacturing",
42 "cfOfficeUpdatedAt": "2024-04-04T11:47:45-04:00",
43 "currentReportingStatus": true,
44 "currentReportingStatusUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T16:49:12-05:00",
45 "interactiveDataCurrent": true,
46 "interactiveDataCurrentUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T16:49:12-05:00",
47 "wellKnownSeasonedIssuer": false,
48 "wellKnownSeasonedIssuerUpdatedAt": "2018-09-11T14:14:55-04:00",
49 "voluntaryFiler": false,
50 "voluntaryFilerUpdatedAt": "2018-09-11T14:14:55-04:00",
51 "filerCategory": "Large Accelerated Filer",
52 "filerCategoryUpdatedAt": "2019-11-25T17:51:18-05:00",
53 "smallBusiness": false,
54 "smallBusinessUpdatedAt": "2018-09-11T14:14:55-04:00",
55 "emergingGrowthCompany": false,
56 "emergingGrowthCompanyUpdatedAt": "2018-09-11T14:14:55-04:00",
57 "shellCompany": false,
58 "shellCompanyUpdatedAt": "2018-09-11T14:14:55-04:00",
59 "latestIcfrAuditFiledAt": "2024-11-15T16:49:12-05:00",
60 "latestIcfrAuditFiledAtUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T16:49:12-05:00",
61 "latestIcfrAuditSource": "0001314727-24-000026",
62 "latestIcfrAuditSourceUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T16:49:12-05:00",
63 "auditorName": "PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP",
64 "auditorNameUpdatedAt": "2022-11-23T16:02:39-05:00",
65 "auditorFirmId": "238",
66 "auditorFirmIdUpdatedAt": "2022-11-23T16:02:39-05:00",
67 "auditorLocation": "Los Angeles, California",
68 "auditorLocationUpdatedAt": "2022-11-23T16:02:39-05:00",
69 "formTypes": {
70 "3": true,
71 "4": true,
72 "144": true,
73 "10-K": true,
74 "10-Q": true,
75 "144/A": true,
76 "3/A": true,
77 "424B4": true,
78 "8-A12B": true,
79 "8-K": true,
80 "8-K/A": true,
81 "CERT": true,
82 "CORRESP": true,
83 "CT ORDER": true,
84 "D": true,
85 "DEF 14A": true,
86 "DEFA14A": true,
87 "DRS": true,
88 "DRS/A": true,
89 "DRSLTR": true,
90 "EFFECT": true,
91 "LETTER": true,
92 "REGDEX": true,
93 "S-1": true,
94 "S-1/A": true,
95 "S-8": true,
96 "SC 13G": true,
97 "SC 13G/A": true,
98 "SD": true
99 },
100 "formTypesUpdatedAt": "2024-11-15T16:49:12-05:00"
101 }
102 // ...
103 ]
104 }