Node.js example showing how to search the SEC EDGAR database

If you're new to Node.js, check out the beginner's guide here:

First, install our Node.js SDK by typing the following command in your terminal:

npm install sec-api

Copy/paste the example code below and replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key.

1 //
2 // Query API Example
3 //
4 const { queryApi } = require('sec-api');
6 queryApi.setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY');
8 const query = {
9 query: 'formType:"10-Q"', // get most recent 10-Q filings
10 from: '0', // start with first filing. used for pagination.
11 size: '10', // limit response to 10 filings
12 sort: [{ filedAt: { order: 'desc' } }], // sort result by filedAt
13 };
15 const filings = await queryApi.getFilings(query);

Next, execute the script by typing

node index.js