Map a Company Name to Company Details

Resolve and map a company name to standardized company information, such as ticker, CIK, CUSIP, exchange, sector, industry and more.

API Endpoint

Send a GET HTTP request with the name of the company or fund as a path parameter to the follwoing endpoint to retrieve company details:<NAME>

Replace <NAME> with the name of the entity you want to retrieve the ticker, CIK, CUSIP, exchange and other details for. Lower case and upper case names are supported. For example, Tesla and tesla return the same result.

Supported HTTP methods: GET

Response format: JSON


Request: GET


1 [
2 {
3 "name": "SNOWFLAKE INC",
4 "ticker": "SNOW",
5 "cik": "1640147",
6 "cusip": "833445109",
7 "exchange": "NYSE",
8 "isDelisted": false,
9 "category": "Domestic Common Stock",
10 "sector": "Technology",
11 "industry": "Software - Application",
12 "sic": "7372",
13 "sicSector": "Services",
14 "sicIndustry": "Services-Prepackaged Software",
15 "famaSector": "",
16 "famaIndustry": "Business Services",
17 "currency": "USD",
18 "location": "California; U.S.A",
19 "id": "437ade98e790f63eb0ee54e51a135840"
20 }
21 ]